7 Minutes In Heaven With Creepypasta

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Your POV

It was 6:30 in the morning and I had to get to school. I got ready with light brown curls and a cute bow. I put on my uniform and went walking to school. Once I got there, my best friend greeted me. "Oh hey, (Y/N)! I got something for you!" She handed me a grey envelope with a black bow. "This. This is a very important invitation. DONT lose this!" She warned. "Why can't I lose this? What is this invitation for?" I was curious to know. "Just read it after school. Got it?" "Got it." The bell rang and we went to our classes. I absolutely HATE school.

             »AFTER SCHOOL«

I went walking home since my parents are too lazy to even pick me up. I opened the envelope and saw a black card with white writing that said,"You're Invited!" I opened the card and it said, "To the Creepypasta party!" It had instructions how to get there, and what time. Apparently, I have to be there at 5:00pm sharp. Its 3:30pm and I have to be there in about, 2 hours... Well. I guess. I hope this isn't just some prank. I got home and plopped down on bed. I took a nap. Thank God for no homework.

I woke up at 4:30pm. Enough time to get ready and go to that party. I put on a red blouse with black skinny jeans. I curled my hair and put a black bow in it. I took my invitation and left the house.

I went walking to the house and read the instructions. Okay... go left from my house.... then keep going straight...until I find the woods?! Whatever I guess. I walked halfway into the woods and found a mansion-like house. I got near the house and knocked on the door. A tall, faceless man answered the door.

             ~End Of Chapter~

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