A knife...

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A Knife...

I put my hand in the hat and rummaged around it. I was about to pick something up until it pricked my finger. I flinched and pulled it out. A knife with a red substance on it. I knew it was blood so I dropped it. "Oh my." Splendor Man said. He took the knife and pushed me and Jeff in the closet. "Only 7 minutes!" He said and closed the door.

We were both were chest-to-chest in the barely lit space, nothing really visible with the exception of the outline of Jeff's face. I struggled to keep my breathing under control and my heart in my chest. What did I get into now? What had possessed me to agree to go into the closet with a serial killer? I fought to swallow my fear; I  wouldn't put it past him to try and do something to me while we were both stuck in here. In fact, I expected it. There couldn't be a more ideal time for him to claim me as another victim-

"You're pretty, even without being changed." a voice said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked to the place where I assumed Jeff's face was.

"Thanks, I guess..." I said, my response light and cautious. Out of nowhere, he giggled quietly, the hysterical edge to it sending chills down my spine. I glared into the darkness.

"What's so funny?" I said, shifting backwards as far as I could manage as to: distance myself from the adolecent opposite me. I could feel him grin in the dark space.

"I'm thinking about all the things you could do to make yourself like me." he said, his hand tracing over my facial features as he spoke. "Heh, we can make your skin white, and then I can give you a big smile," he grazed his hand from my cheekbone all the way to the corner of my lip, and continued to the opposite corner and finished at the opposite cheekbone. "Then we can burn you, and then you'll be beautiful~" he finished his sentence with another laugh, loud and short, leading to a laughing fit.

"But," he said, stopping suddenly. " I don't want to burn your lips... I want them to stay how they are." After a long pause, I dared to ask a question.

"... why?" I whispered, my voice hoarse, and my breathing quickening. I felt Jeff's face grow close to mine, our noses nearly touching.

"They wouldn't be as soft and pretty as they are now." And then his marred mouth was on mine. I recoiled back from the action, but Jeff held my head firm, his hand rooted in my hair as his mouth pressed upon mine with more pressure, more want. His scarred lips began to move, lust rolling off of him in waves as he pressed his body against mine, every dip and curve in my body conforming to his frame. He hadn't known the satisfaction of doing things like this in so long, and here he was kissing a cute girl in a closet in a game of seven minutes in heaven. We were both teenagers, so there's alot of hormones, alot of things that alot of people my age wanted to do.

Jeff always let loose when he killed someone, but now he could let loose in a different way. And I could, too. If I can get over the fact that he was kissing me, that is.

I felt you body temperature rise as I tried to debate whether or not to give into my own desires or push Jeff away. It felt wrong, kissing him, doing something like this with someone like him. But at the same time, it felt so good, so right. I was taken to a whole new level of pleasure when his tongue parted my lips, no consent asked, no permission required. His tongue worked around in my mouth, brushed against mine, trying to get me to play along in his lustful little game. To my own dismay, I responded to his kiss, and our tongues twirled in a dirty dance for dominance. I bit his bottem lip when he won and took over, a groan of approval making his way past his lips before he could stop himself.

Arousal burned between the two of us, and the temperature continued to rise in our bodies as the session progressed. Jeff finally parted from me, a silver string of saliva connecting our lips. I frowned, why did he stop? I was answered when he pushed me against the wall, hitching my leg up onto his hip. Our breathes were heavy and erratic, the blush on our faces (although not visible) red enough to rival the color of a tomato.

"F**k..." he panted, kissing me hungrily once more. A soft sigh escaped my lips, causing Jeff to smirk through the kiss. He picked up my other leg and placed it on his other hip, leaving me completely suspended against the wall by the presence of his body against mine. He started to move his hips, a small foward motion that dragged foward a moan from my throat. He responed with a moan of his own. I felt a sort of heat begin to pool between your legs as he ground against me again, something hard and stiff from him also showing that he was enjoying the action.

My head felt light, and I was absolutely dizzy with pleasure as he harshly nipped at my collarbone, a light trickle of blood running down my chest. It wasn't long before it was eagerly lapped up by Jeff, who went to work leaving an assortment of small love bites, wanting everyone to know who this girl was marked by, who she belonged to.

He was about to start removing clothes, but the click of a doorknob being turned caused him to abruptly set me down. We both struggled to regulate your breathing as the door opened to reveal a smug BEN and a blushing Splendorman.

"I can see you two had fun," Splendorman said, his face still very red as he walked away.

"Alot of fun, from the looks of it~" BEN laughed, pointing at the bite marks on my neck.

"You jealous?" Jeff asked, grabbing me by the waist and pulling you close.

"... screw you."

        ~End of chapter~

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