In the party...

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Your POV

I was a huge creepypasta fan, but I didn't know that they were actually real. "Hello child, what may be your name?" Slender Man said in a deep voice. "H-Hi.. I'm (Y/N).." He took my invitation and 'read' it. "Ahh yes. Miss (Y/N). Come in. Your friend has told me alot about you." I walked in the house and sat down in a chair. It was pretty calm until someone pushed me out of my chair. "ow." I said. "Sorry. I'm Jeff." He helped me up. "And I'm...(Y/N)" I'm talking to a serial killer. What am I doing. "Oh. Sorry (Y/N), I was pushed too... Well I have to go. Hopefully you will have fun here." He winked. I walked to the kitchen and saw Slender Man cooking pasta. (A/N: Get it? Creepy-Pasta? No? Okay.) I saw a masked man at the table eating cheesecake. I sat with him. "Hi." I said nicely."H-Hello." He was a pretty shy Guy I guess. "I'm (Y/N)" "Oh. (Y/N). Yeah. Slender Man told me. I'm Masky." (I'm a Masky girl♥) "Well, hello Masky. I was wondering if-" I got cut off by a voice. "Sleeennnddyyy. I wanna play a gaaaammee." I turned around and saw a short, blonde haired, Guy. He was wearing mostly green. And his eyes were... unnatural. They were black with red irises. "No. Not if we don't have an answer from Miss (Y/N)" Slender Man said. I'm pretty sure its Ben who came up to me. "Say yes. now." he whispered in my ear. "Y-yes...?" I said. Slender Man did a nod of approval. "What game did you wanna play, Ben?" "7 minutes in heaven." I blushed slightly. Everyone (Except Slender Man) went to the living room and got in a circle. Splendor Man came in. "Okay, you, (Y/N), will pick from the hat. Got it?" I nodded. I guess we begun the game. Everyone put something in the hat and waited for me. Okay... I closed my eyes and put my hand in the hat.

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