=1= Votre plaisantez ... Droite? (Your kidding me... Right?)

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Hello Feu de La foudre readers! This is the 2nd book of 'Feu de La foudre' book series. For those who are new, you don't have to read the first book if you don't want. I will just give clues and all.

Anyways, I hope you like this Chappie ;)


Werewolves, Vampires or any creatures in the world, because of ONE curse, everything for the next generation... CHANGED.

"Je Black Beast maudis chaque créature dans le monde d'arrêter leur nature. Loups-Garous s'arrêteront déplacement, Vampires ne poussent crocs, sirènes ne poussent queues, Les créatures s'arrêtera à partir de ce qu'ils ont connu. Ils seront comme un faible, écoeurant humaine. Et ils n'auront pas leurs compagnons .."

(I Black Beast curse every creature in the world to stop their nature. Werewolves will stop shifting, Vampires will not grow fangs, Mermaids won't grow tails, Any creatures will STOP from what they have known. They will be just like a weak, sickening humanAND they will not have their mates..)

Turns out, the curse will only work for the new borns. Old creatures or the one who was given birth before the curse is still normal. But for those who wasn't, they are being trained. To see 7 destined warriors for:

The power of Fire
The power of Water
The power of Earth
The power of Lightning
The power of Air
The power of Shadows

Or you can call it, the next generation of Feu de La foudre.


Chapter 1 - Votre plaisantez ... Droite? (Your kidding me... Right?)

"LET'S GO GUYS! WE'RE RUNNING LATE!!" I shouted while running to my light green van - Just like Scooby-doo's - and throw my bag at the back.

"I'm coming!" Ella shouted while squeezing her wet hair and run towards the Van's front seat.

"I call dibs for the shot gun!" Chase raised his right hand while running towards us.

Ella rolled her eyes and enter the van, slamming the door close, she shouted "First come first serve!!"

"But I called Dibs!!" Chase pouted. Pulling his best puppy dog eyes, pouty lips and cute-

"Again, first come first serve." And again, Ella is immune with that skill.

"Oh come on guys, stop being a baby! It's not even a big deal!" Liana stated before slinging her bag at her shoulders.

"Yeah, the big deal is that Coach Stevens will kick our butts." Garret rolled his eyes before entering the van.

"It's MASTER Stevens Garret, it's not 'Coach'." Liana stated before entering the van.

"Speaking of Butts.." Drake started, "Sis! Does this pants make my butt look big?" He turn around, showing off his big fat ass.

I can't believe WE are related! And he's even older than me!

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