The Jumper Thief

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This is a little comedy fic that myself and @Barlowlover2811 came up with a little while back based on a picture we saw. I haven't got the picture to hand right now, but it's that one where Mark is talking to someone with Gary in the background genuinely looking like he's on some kind on mission. This is the end product of our tweet conversation we then had about it. :D 

I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think of our little idea :D 

- Emma xx :)


 Bloody alarm. How is it that he managed to miss it – again? Four days they were here for and so far he'd slept through his alarm twice! If he did this again, he was certain that both Mark and Howard would arrange something in order to wake him up. Knowing his luck, though, it would land up being a bucket of water.

Jumping out of bed, Gary ran to the shower. He could already hear the sounds of Mark and Howard out in the hallway. Bastards.

He was out in record time and immediately began to pull clothes out of the wardrobe.

Pulling out a shirt and some trousers as well as the underwear essentials, Gary pulled them on. Once he was dressed, he began searching for his jumper that he knew would match perfectly. It was grey and thin and Gary knew he had brought it. It was one of his best-loved jumpers; a present from Mark for his birthday a few years back. He was running out of time, however, and wanted at least a slice of toast before getting in the car. With that on his mind, Gary decided to forgo the jumper and make his way downstairs.

Okay, so he knew he was late, but he hadn't thought he'd been that late. Yet, as he walked through the lobby, he was met by his two friends and bandmates already in their coats and waiting by the door.

"Jesus Gaz, could you be any later?" Howard asked raising an eyebrow.

"I over slept again, sorry." Gary replied. "Look, give me two seconds. I just want to grab a slice of toast." He made to move but Mark grabbed his wrist.

"No time, we're already mega late." He said, pulling Gary towards the door. "Howard grabbed you a cereal bar anyway." Howard then passed him it as Gary put on his coat.

"Thanks," Gary said, opening the wrapper as the three of them were ushered into the awaiting cars that sat outside the front of the hotel.

They arrived at the television studio they were going to be interviewed at not long later. In all honesty, they could've walked but Jonathan and the rest of the management team had insisted on cars. And besides, they had been late departing thank to Gary and his, clearly useless, alarm clock.

There was a gathering of fans outside the building, which was nothing new. Each of them spent time with the fans, taking pictures and signing autographs, as they made their way towards the door.

Howard and Gary were first in, both stood there waiting for Mark as he continued to take pictures with fans. Eventually, James pushed him towards the door and into the quiet of the reception area. Both Gary and Howard just looked at him, shaking their heads.

"What?" Mark asked with a smile. "I like spending time talking to fans."


Walking into the dressing room, Gary found only Howard to in there, standing by the coffee machine on the table pressing buttons. Clearly, he was trying to find out how work the bloody thing.

"Can't get it to work, How?" Gary asked as he picked up a newspaper and sat down on one of the chairs, opening it as he did,

"No, bleeding thing isn't giving me anything but bloody hot water!" Howard sighed, pressing buttons again. "Gotcha!" He said as the machine finally started giving out coffee.

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