Let's Begin

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The man swung at me and I managed to dodge it. I felt amazing,I was able to dodge a sword. My moment of amazingness didn't last long because he swung again. He swung his sword at me countless times until I decided to jump on the grassy field beside the area I landed in. I flew up in the air as he put his sword back calmly.

"Yeah, come at me anytime." he spoke. His voice was sort of raspy a bit yet calm too.

He dashed towards me,throwing punches and shooting energy attacks at me. I had enough of dodging so I started doing the same. He hit me many times and he was powerful so I decided to start off with energy attacks. It didn't last long before he figured out my strategy and came up with one of his own. He disappeared and I had no idea where he was. I tried to sense a power level but he must have been hiding it. I felt something coming towards me and I turned and roundhouse kicked him the the FACE!!! I was so pumped. As he fell I charged up an energy attack. He landed on the ground and attempted to get up but I shot him with a ray of green and purple energy. It hit him and shot him backwards. I thought I beat him until I saw him emerge from the smoke.

"Looks like the little warm up is complete." He shouted calmly towards me with little to no scratches on him "now its about time you showed me your full strength!!" He pulled his sword out again and dashed toward me.

I had no time to react as he sliced a large cut in my left arm. I put one hand over the cut as I started kicking him. He blocked a few times with his sword but other then that I hit him a good amount of time. My right hand was now covered in blood as I moved it from my cut arm and shot out a frenzy of energy attacks. He cut some in half and others he either dodged or got hit by them. My final attack was the same attack I used earlier. I called it Toxic Lightning. It was a ray of purple and green energy with lightning coming out of the sides. I used this attack to finish the battle without killing the man.

I put my hand on my cut as I slowly fell back down to the ground. The man got up and smiled at me. He started walking towards me,sword in hand.

"You were chosen." He spoke as he threw his sword in the air "Chosen by Shenron." The giant Dragon? I thought.

I looked up to his sword falling down towards him. He leaned his upper body to the left and the sword fell into its sheath perfectly.

"Sorry for attacking you by the way." He calmly grabbed my arm and looked at my cut "I really did a number on you." His face looked a little worried.

He let go of my arm and I stared back up at him. He was WAY taller them me. I was up to a small bit below his chest.. Possibly a little smaller but yes he was tall.

"As you can see this place,its not the world you're familiar with." I looked around and it was very appealing.

The grass and the leaves on the trees were bright green and the buildings were brightly colored.

"This is the Toki Toki world,where the flow of time gathers." He began explaining to me. "You can call us.. The Time Patrol." He pointed to himself and smiled again.

I nodded and smiled showing he had my attention. He looked rather nice to say the least. His hair was in a sort of bowl cut fashion and it was a lavender color like the ends of my scarf that I wear all the time.

"When History goes off course,It creates a false timeline." I felt like I was in school but this was so interesting and the soothing sound of his voice made me want to listen.

"We work to correct any of these changes in history" I felt like sitting down but that would mean I would have to hurt my neck more so I just stared with interest in my eyes about the subject.

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