Parallel Quests

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Meighan went off to rest a little while ago after her first job against Raditz. First, I'd like to say how freaking beautiful this little half Saiyan is! Her eyes were like dark chocolate and her bold, red wide frame glasses were the wrapper. Her hair was a lighter shade of brown with the bottom half being lime green and it was quite long. I'm not sure if this is very important, but her boobs were a good size, not too big but not too small.. Around medium size..That's most probably not important at all. She was VERY tiny and that made her too cute to resist, and her voice was not deep but not too high and she sounded like a little singing bird. She wore a multi-purple scarf and a light red shirt with a circle and and S going through it on her stomach. Her scarf was a regular shade of purple then the bottom quarters were a shade of purple that matched my hair. She had a pair of jogging pants that were gray and the bottom was stuffed into her orange combat boots. On the left side of her pants said ANGEL in white cursive and the right said said DEVIL in black and bold letters. She had arm warmers on her wrists and she wore 2 rubber bracelets on her right arm,one pink the other,orange.

It has been around 45 minutes since Meighan went to rest and I thought I should go wake her up by now. I finished running a few errands around Toki Toki City so I had time to tell her one more thing she needed to know about Toki Toki. I walked to the Time Nest and went towards my place. I opened the door to see a small sleeping figure on my couch. Her head rested on one of the couch cushions and she took the blanket I had on the back rest of the couch and put it over her. Her glasses were placed neatly on the coffee table and she was curled up in a ball as she snuggled the blanket.

My heart and my mind were having different thoughts about what to do. I ignored both and went with my gut, which said to calmly tell her I have something important to tell her.. Which is true. I walked up to the couch and saw her boots laying beside the couch. I kneeled down and saw 2 things I hadn't realized before.. Well 3.

1: she had a light purple feather and a blue feather attached to her left ear by 2 tiny golden chains.
2: she had a hole in her right ear.

I wanted to ask her about the hole but I thought about leaving it alone. I place my hand on her and got a tiny flashback to when I hugged her after her mission. I badly wanted her back into my embrace. Her tail started to wag so I decided to speed up the wake up process.

"Hey Meighan." I whispered and she opened her eyes and squinted at me.

"Wha?" She asked a little groggily and continued squinting "Trunks?"

"Yeah, it's me." I said calmly and handed her her glasses "listen I have something important to talk to you about okay?" She calmly sat up and her ears disappeared into the abyss of her hair.

"Ok." She said and she stretched as she grabbed her glasses.

Once she put them on I couldn't tell which version I liked better, awake with glasses or asleep with no glasses. I stood up and waited by the door. She put her boots on and gave me a tiny thumbs up,walked up beside me and smiled happily. I smiled back and we left walking side by side. I finally saw how small she was. She wasn't even up to my chest. I didn't know how old she was but judging by her appearance I'd say 16 which makes her 3 years younger then me.

"So.." She yawned and stretched as we left the time Nest and into the area we met "what's this important thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you before your mission but I guess now is a better time." I said scratching the back of my head and chuckling nervously.

She laughed a bit and she looked so cute.

"There are two main jobs that Time Patrollers have to do." I started explaining confidently and she looked at me, interested in what I was explaining "the first is 'Time Patrol' that you did just now to fix the problems that happen in the scrolls."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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