Fighting with the Pure

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Trunks and I entered an area with a stone path leading in 2 directions. The grass was one of the brightest shades of green I have ever seen and to the left of me was a shallow but large pond surrounded by rocks. The sky was green-ish and there were planets covering it and it looked gorgeous.

"We call this, the 'Time Nest'." Trunks said and I paid close attention to his words as he pointed to a small,dome shaped house.

My arm was in a bit of pain still but I let it go.

"The Supreme Kai of Time lives here and manages this entire place." I looked around and thought how hard it would've been but it seemed like it would be easier for someone with 'Supreme' in their name.

We turned to face a large building that looked a lot like a castle with a huge tree sticking it of the top. I instantly fell in love with this building because of the tree and it's pretty colors.

"We also have the 'Time Vault'." He said looking at the building "it has many important texts." I nodded even though I know he couldn't see me since I was tiny and standing behind him.

He turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"There's something I need you to take care of,not a big deal so let's head over to the Time Vault." I nodded and he smiled "Alright then let's go." He said as we walked down the path to the Time Vault.

The walk wasn't long and when I entered I gasped in awe. There was a table in the middle with gold pedestals surrounding it. Along the sides were long but slim steps leading to a mirror thingy that looked like space was trapped in it and pedestals. It was cream,blue, green and purple in color and it was gorgeous. My favorite part was the giant tree roots hanging from the ceiling like a chandelier. Tree mystery 50% solved.

"This place is amazing." I said still in awe and Trunks chuckled.

"It sure is nice looking isn't it?" He said and I simply nodded.

He walked off somewhere and left me to stare at the walls and floors of the building. I turned to see Trunks grabbing something from one of the pedestals. He turned to me and held a scroll in his hands. The scroll was engulfed in shadows and looked spooky.

"This... Is the Scroll of Eternity." He said with a stern voice "All of time...All of history." He spoke as he walked towards the table I was standing at "everything.. It's all listed in here."

"So.. It knows what we're doing now?" I asked confused and he turned to face me.

"Technically." He said and I felt semi satisfied with my answer. "But.." His head went down a bit and he looked worried about something.

"Is.. Something wrong?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"Here.. Just take a look at this." He placed the scroll opened on the table and I watched as it played out a scene in history.

There stood Piccolo and he looked pissed. He yelled something.

"SPECIAL BEAM CANON!!!" A yellow beam with a smaller purple beam spiraling around it flew out of 2 of his fingers.

Two black haired men,one with short hair the other with long hair, stood in front of the Canon. The one with the shorter hair held the man with the longer hair with his arms through his and locked them in place. A headlock I believe it's called. The man with the longer hair smirked viscously and released the other one arms from his as he threw him then he jumped out of the way.

"Wha-" the man with the shorter hair was cut short when the Special Beam Canon pierced through him.

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