The Ecsape Plan

38 4 1

Vendella Katharina Cloudyard
If I pretend to be weak and stupid. Maybe I have a chance of ecsaping if I suprise them. "I present you the daugther of Hades!" The man turned to me and smiled an evil smile that made me want to run and hide. The monster crowd started to scream and hiss. All I ever wanted was a normal life. Before I could even blink the man turned and stabbed me with a daggar. In my stomach. And it hurt then I heard a earpircering scream. Then I realised that it was me who had screamed. He took the knife out of my stomach and cut both of my arms making tears flow down my face. Then when I saw someone running in our way. I had so much tears running down my face I only saw blury shapes. Then the man lifted the daggar again pointig it against my heart. The man turned into yellow dust. The daggar was on the ground and the blury boy I could see clearer now and I was sure it was a boy. Yelling my name.

-DreamyKitty25 ❤💙❤


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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