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"Syl," Cinder called out to the red haired leader of the Ivory Guard as he saw her in the hallway. He'd become accustomed to the house already as they'd been there for a little over a week. She turned to his voice and waited for him to catch up to her. Like all the houses on the block where his parent's home was, they were mansions. A mass amount of bedrooms and long halls that seemed to go on forever. The house they were in had a Victorian style too it with old furniture and wall paper. Cinder had enjoyed looking at all of the old stuff for the first few days.

"Need something, Cinder?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking about this for a while now and I wanted to ask you to confirm something for me."

"What is it?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

Cinder paused, his hands nervously twitching at his sides before he finally shook them out and released the air he'd been holding. "I was just thinking about what you said back at your hideout. About there being enchanters at my parent's house. It seems I've lost quite a few memories and they just sort of pop up at random now. Not all of them are clear though and it's driving me nuts."

"You want to know who the enchanter was that altered your memory," Syl concluded.

"Yeah. If you don't mind?"

"It's not that I mind, Cinder, it's that I wouldn't even know where to start. There were several enchanters at your parent's house that night. I couldn't begin to pin who it was."

"What if you had a little lead?"

"What do you mean?"

"I convinced Kydyn and the others to take me to my parent's home a while ago. When we found it, I snooped around a little and found these patches in the basement. They were the insignia to the rebels. Or... What were supposed to be the rebels anyway. When I took one, I had another memory. I saw my dad and mom fighting in the living room. Something about the patch that he had. Then it changed to a different part of the house and Odain was there, talking to dad. And the last thing I saw was the fire, but I was upstairs watching dad fight with someone from the council. They were arguing and that was it."

"I'm sorry Cinder, but even that doesn't help me. I don't understand what you're trying to get at," Syl said with a frown.

"Was Odain at the house when the fire started?"

Syl arched an eyebrow at him. "Yes. All of the council was there."

"Odain lied to me when he said he didn't know what Iriyn was doing with those patches. And when I first met him, it was when they undid my mom's seal. Some of my memories returned during that time too and he asked me what it was I saw. He couldn't have known I'd seen anything at all when Kydyn didn't even know and he'd been the one to restrain my power so I didn't bring the building down. Odain also showed me a memory when I came and asked him about black magic."

Syl stared for a long while before her eyes widened and she shoved off the wall. "He's the enchanter. He has to be. That's why Lyn can't find him. Odain never told anyone what kind of power he had. He never used it!"

"He did when my house was burning down," Cinder added. "And then again when I went and saw him. I was asking questions and he gave me just enough to keep me coming back for more. Lyn said it was strange that I didn't pursue the issue. That I didn't want to go see it for myself or find out more on my own. Odain was the one who kept my memories locked up tight. That's why he asked me what I saw after the seal was broken. He was afraid I'd seen too much."

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