I Need You

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Chapter Two

Error turned his head around. Blueberry stood there, watching Error. He quickly put on a fake smile on his face. "H-Hey Blue!" He said, trying his best to sound happy as he quickly wiped the tears away from his eyes. Blueberry slowly approached Error, looking very concerned for his friend. "Error... What... What were you doing?" Blueberry asked, his words were etched with worry.

Error frowned, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to lie to Blueberry, but he didn't want to tell the truth either. "I.... I-I..." Error says, trying to find the right words. He notices that the bone is still on the floor, Blueberry notices this too, "Er-Error.... Oh god.... You... You didn't!" Blueberry said, putting his hands over his mouth. His eyes were filled with shock and worry for Error. Error looks away, starting to shake, crying.

"I... I'm sorry..." Error said, holding his knees to his chest. He couldn't do this, he didn't want to do this. Error hides his face in his knees, rocking back and forth. Error feels arms wrap around him. He looks up, tears still streaming from his eyes and he looks at Blueberry, "Wh-Why are you b-bothering m-me? I'm u-*hic*-u-useless..." Error says, pushing Blueberry away, but Blueberry doesn't move an inch. "You aren't useless to me, Error... I-I.... Please don't try to...." Blueberry couldn't even finish that, he started to cry, holding onto Error.

Error didn't know what to say, just sitting there, not looking at Blueberry, staring off into the whiteness that he knew all too well. That's when he started to hear the screams again, the screams of those he had killed, their begs for mercy, his merciless laugh, their screams as they watched their loved ones die, while he forced to them to watch. Error started to sob. "I'm so sorry..." Was all he could manage. He didn't know who he was saying it to, Blueberry, the people he's killed, or himself. But he was trufully, deeply, sorry.

It was silent for a while, no screams, only the sounds of two skeletons crying. "I... I love you Error... Please... Don't...." Blueberry couldn't finish that thought, he just clinged onto Error even tighter than before. Error still didn't hug Blueberry back, going silent again, he looks at the bone again, wishing that Blueberry would be able to finish the job since he couldn't fucking do it himself. WHY CAN'T I FUCKING KILL MYSELF?! WHY?! He screams in his mind, starting to shake badly. "Error... I need you..." Is all Blueberry says, holding him even tighter. Error finally caves in and pretty much hug attacks Blueberry, sobbing on his shoulder. Blueberry holds him even tighter than before, starting to cry even more. "Please...." He says, voice a whisper.

Error forces himself to calm down, still shaking though. He pulls away slightly, staring at Blueberry. "Did... Did you mean it?" Error asks, voice sounding weak and unsure. Blueberry nods, reaching out and holding Error's face. "Of course I did." He says with a sweet tone in his voice. A smile was plastered on his, he seemed to be happy that Error had stopped crying. Error sniffles, looking at the ground, now letting his head hang. "... i don't think i can forgive myself, not for what i've done..." He says quietly. Blueberry tilts up Error's chin, looking at him in the eyes. "Then let me forgive you." Blueberry says, moving forward slightly. Error blinks, What is he.... Doing? He thinks, confused.

Blueberry scoots forward a little more, a slight blush on his face, looking Error in the eye as if he was unsure about something. Blueberry grabs Error's face. "I... I love you, Error..." Blueberry says quietly. He starts to lean in slowly. Error doesn't say anything, doesn't stop him, just completely confused. There was a small gap in between them. Blueberry looked up at Error, as if asking for permission to continue. Error then realizes what he's doing and blushes darkly, his eyes widening. He gulps, but closes the gap tentatively. Blueberry seems a little shocked at first, but soon gives in, closing his eyes and moving his hands to Error's hips. Error shudders, but lets him, pulling him close.

Blueberry whimpers a little, clearly enjoying this. He pushes Error down slightly, bringing him to the floor, never even breaking the kiss. Error shivers, though he doesn't stop Blueberry. Blueberry starts to french kiss Error. Error pulls back, blushing darkly. "I... Uh...." Is all he can say, staring up at Blueberry. "What?" Blueberry asks. "I... You know I have... uh... Eight tongues?" Error says, looking away from Blueberry. Blueberry smirks. "Oh, yeah I know that very well~." Blueberry says with an obvious flirt in his voice. Error blushes VERY darkly, "I-I-I, u-um...." Is all he says. "Shhh.... No talking~." Blueberry says, closing the gap once more. Error moans quietly into the kiss.

End Of Chapter Two  

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