Deck The Halls with Scifell's Dust

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Blueberry quickly ordered Ink, Fresh, and Error to hide somewhere in the room, and wait for the signal. He then turned off all the lights except one. Now they waited.

"Oh hey Blue!  We've been looking for you!" Two figures called by the door. It was almost cute how they thought they had the upper hand. They looked almost creepy too, it was such a shame they were about to die. 

"Oh, hi friends! It's been so long since the three members of friend club were together like this!!" Blue says, sounding ecstatic, as always. But the three lurking in the shadows had to try and not laugh at how easily they were going to fall into their trap. Blueberry was so good at playing that part, it was impossible not to fall into his plans.

"It's only been an hour." Edge pointed out before saying quietly "Also what the fuck, turn on a light or some shit." The other skeleton just laughed evilly, it was a little disturbing. "Sorry Blue. Your reign as president is coming to an end. This is a coup!" Sci exclaimed, he sounded a little evil. "Awwww Sci. You really shouldn't do this! You might regret it!!"Blueberry responds, putting emphasis on the word regret.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

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