Leave: Part Two

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Blueberry walks towards Error. He pulls him into a tight hug, tears hitting Error's shoulder. "No..." Is all he says. Error didn't even care anymore, he just wanted Blueberry to be happy. He gripped onto Blueberry as tight as he could. "I... Just want you to be happy..." Error says, holding his love even tighter. 

"If you want me to leave... if you want me to be happy... then leave with me..." Blueberry says. "I just wanna help you, Error." Blueberry says. He had never had sounded so serious in his life. "Just let me help you be happy, that'd make me happy." Blueberry continues, holding Error even tighter. Tears coated both of their faces, a sadness most couldn't even feel surrounded the air, it was filled with a glimmer of hope, a left behind past and love. "Okay..." Is all Error can say before his tears stop. "Okay." 

 ErrorBerry: He Couldn't Do It.Where stories live. Discover now