Chapter 4

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Next morning, Sanskar was waiting in the shaded part of the terrace waiting for the person to turn up.

"Sanskar, I am here. Tell me what did you want to talk to me in private?" a voice said from behind him.

Sanskar turned to see Adarsh standing there. 

While Sanskar wanted to talk to Adarsh, he wasn't sure where to start or how best to put it.  His family wasn't even aware of Swara. He paused for a minute before saying, "Ragini mentioned that Shekhar Gadodia has two familes. I wanted to know more about it" 

He hoped he would ask questions about Swara's side of the story when Adarsh came to it. He would ask why Shekhar left Swara's family.

Adarsh looked at Sanskar critically for a minute. 

Sanskar wasn't quite sure if Adarsh was going to respond. He wasn't sure what he could or would tell his Adarsh Bhaiyaa if he asked why Sanskar wanted to know this.

Luckily for him Adarsh didn't ask any questions. "To understand that you need to step a little further in the past and know about Shobha Bose," he told Sanskar

"Who?" Sanskar asked confused

"Shobha Bose was a small time extra in Bengali movies in 60's. She caught the interest of a small time producer. He was already married and not interested in leaving his family. Devoid of prospects, she agreed to be his keep – for the sake of the financial security and house among other things. She bore him two daughters, Sheila and Sharmistha," he said looking at Sanskar

"I don't understand how is this linked to..."

Adarsh cut him before he could complete his question. "Patience my little brother. I thought you wanted to know about the two families that Shekhar Gadodia had, didn't you?"

Sanskar nodded

"So let's get back to the story. The two daughters," he looked at Sanskar for a second before continuing, "Now it was clear that they would not find respectable families given their background. Shobha was well aware of that. But she didn't want her fate for her daughters. She did what she could to see to that."  

"The eldest daughter, Sheila was quite lucky or should I say resourceful and proficient enough that she managed to trap the youngest son of Raheja business family, Rajat, and succeeded in becoming his wife. Right after she bore Rajat a son, Aditya, she ensured that the elder brother's family was ousted from the business and the property – becoming the real power behind the business,"

Adarsh paused for a minute before continuing letting the information sink in.

"The youngest daughter, Sharmistha, didn't have the good fortune of her sister. But she wasn't unlucky like her mother either. Shamistha like her mother tried her luck in movies. She even got a lead part in a Bengali movie. That movie was being financed by the youngest son of construction mogul, who was also part of the nexus of land mafia and the so called underworld. Can you guess who I am talking about?" Adarsh asked him

"Shekhar Gadodia?" Sanskar asked tentatively

"Yes, Shekhar Gadodia. Sharmistha caught his fancy and he went crazy after her – to the extent that he would have left his then pregnant wife and married Sharmistha."

Sanskar's eyes snapped up hearing this.

Adarsh continued, ignoring Sankar's reaction. "But remember I said that Sharmistha wasn't as fortunate as her sister. Shekhar Gadodia for all his love and craziness for Sharmistha, was still someone who would not go against his parents. And his parents would have never let him leave his wife or marry Sharmistha. So Shekhar build a new house for Sharmistha and created his own separate family. His wife lost the child in some incident, meanwhile Sharmistha bore him a daughter."

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