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Is it normal to be undead? i mean is it common, or am i alone? The cold is smothering, when i close my eyes the darkness is blinding. I press my fingers to my neck or my wrist and all i feel is ice. An icy emptiness that, scares me... To think i'm only sixteen, to think i used to feel warmth from the outdoors. Now all i feel is alien. I mean honestly, of the billions of people on this whole bloody earth why did it have to be that weird ass teenager from Scotland who inherited this "gift". I cant completely complain i guess, i still have a good few years till the transference is complete, It takes almost as long as i did to accept updates on my phone. I guess thats one thing i wont miss, my mum nagging in my ear " Kyle update your feckin phone! ive been telling you for two weeks now and you still cant be bothered leaving it for forty minutes". I always was a lazy bugger, Spending everyday after school claiming to revise when really i was just watching videos online and calling my mates and listening to them rant about how girls are being bitches, how were they being bitches i would ask, oh they think I'm creepy. Maybe thats because you stalk them you creepy bastard! Nah thats another thing i wont miss, fake friends. But what will i miss? having the option of friends.

Well when i say I'm sixteen, i guess it depends what way you look at it. I was sixteen when i died, but my birthday's passed since then so am i seventeen? Not that it matters, i celebrated my birthday by forgetting until nine PM and my phone reminded me... sad part being that i did that when i was alive as well. I don't care really, its my own fault i was so antisocial. Never going to meet people, never going to parties, never getting pissed off my head. Not surprising that no one remembered. I outstretch my arm, no one can see me here, I'm alone. If someone saw me they would have no clue that my heart stopped bothering to pump three hundred and sixty four days ago, thats right ive been counting, but if they saw what I'm about to do they might think they're tripping. The fingers on my right hand glow blue, only faintly at first, then brighter, a flash of white sparks to life on the tip of my fingers, from there they grow. Flickers of silver flame, they then begin to dance around my hand, weaving in and out my fingers like water droplets. I wish i could say it was normal, i was used to having magic, but in all honestly i fanboy a little every time i see this cause damn it makes me feel badass. As i chuckle to myself i sense his approach.

"you ready?" The voice calls from behind me, its strange. I know who it is but not really. The voice is not one but a chorus of many, some young and some old perfectly in time together, freaky to be honest.

"aye", I turn to face him, I'm sat atop a fallen tree right now overlooking my home town. Although he doesn't look it, Adrian just turned ninety nine the other week. To look at him though one would suspect about twenty three? or at least thats my estimate. He still wont tell me his death age. Biker boots, black jeans with chains dangling from the pockets, a black shirt and blue tie with a leather jacket over top. Ill say it openly he looks cool as hell, no pun intended. But as much as i wish i could say he was my older brother he's just my reaper

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