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"Look out!" somebody screamed from behind me.

I turned a second too late and found myself falling. Down, down, down... the walls swirled around me and then ebbed away into black nothingness.


I woke to the smell of antiseptics. Even before opening my eyes, I knew where I was.

How could I not? I'd been to this place so many times before.

Sighing I heaved myself into sitting position. Crossing my legs in what I hoped to be a dignified manner, I tried to brush the escaping hair from my eyes.

And then I saw who it was in front of me.

Get me a gun.NOW.

"Hello," I had been hoping for a smooth dignified voice, so, of course, it turned out to be the exact opposite.

God, he was so good-looking. Blond hair that was just that bit longer, hung carelessly over his eyes, which were a piercing emerald green. He was smiling, and his smile was utterly bewitching, a crooked slant that showed his amusement but somehow his indifference at the same time. Normally I hated guys like this, but that was another thing about him. He exuded the "cool" that everyone in my lame-ass school worked so hard to attain, and he did it casually, like he didn't even try. It was as if the word "cool" was made for him. As if it had been invented on his birth, as if he was the image of the word itself, as if... Ok, breathe. He's just a guy. An extremely hot guy but...

How was this fair?

He was THE kryptonite of the female.

"Are you ok?"

Was I OK??? The way my heart was beating and the way my stomach was doing back flips???

Men ask such idiotic questions.

Thank God, I wasn't hooked up to the heart monitor.

"Uh, yeah...I'm good, Thanks, honestly, this happens ALL the time, I'm used to it, it's lucky though, that you were there this time, or who knows how long I'd have lain there!..." Oh my God, what was I saying? Why couldn't I shut up? Did I honestly have a ginormous black hole for a mouth? Except it was the opposite wasn't it? Instead of sucking things in, it spit them all out. At once. At times when you least need it.

He was trying not to laugh now, I could tell. There were moments when you just so couldn't help but hate yourself.


The door swung open and there was a confusing blur of colors.


Flowers went flying EVERYWHERE, thank god the vase landed on my bed, or that too would have added to the shower.

Suddenly shaggy black hair blocked my view as a warm lump landed on top of me.

Gritting my teeth, hard, hard, HARD to keep from screaming I somewhat managed to get words out

that resembled something like the English language: "You little..aaghghgiiieooo, get the....oooowww...get OFF!!!! AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," went the lump as it wriggled off the hospital bed. And then again to the statue by my foot that was soaked in flower water. And then again to the nurse who'd come rushing in. And then back to me, after looking at my face. And then (show over) quickly backed out of the room.

I was still gaping in shock in the direction of the door when I heard someone clear their throat.

I looked around surprised. Hottie was still there. Wow. Must have some guts. Along with the "cool" thing.


Oh he was talking to me.

My heart sank. Wow, he didn't look all that cool now, he was actually sweating. He must really want to get out of here and was afraid I'd stop him somehow.


Was this how I affected the opposite sex?

Although, it might have been (sorry, I don't have a name, anyone have any suggestions?)'s really graceful performance that cinched it.

My heart was at the bottom of my left foot, I could FEEL it.

"I was wondering..."

It's in my TOE, goddamn it, just get it over with! I'm sorry I have to go, you freak me out...


My head jerked up from the pillow.


"I mean...of course, you wouldn't want to, I just thought....Look, I'm sorry this must be awkwa-"

"NO! I didn't hear you, what did you say???"

He was actually blushing.

And he still looked cute while doing it.

Smitten would definitely be the word here. Actually hopeless romantic could work too. As well as avid manga-reader.

"Um...I was wondering...I mean...would you like to go to dinner with me on Friday?"

Sshhhrrrkkk. That was my brain. Skidding to a halt.

Was my mouth wide open?

Wow. My mouth was dry.

Big gulp.

Clear throat.

No squeaks this time.

"Yes! I'd love to go."


"That's coo-"

"But I need to ask you a question."

He looked a bit worried now. "Yes?"

Beaming, I asked "What's your name?"



I need help!!

But title and name of the each of the guys (there's two by the way) =]

and the name of the girl and her best friend.

and the title.

this is all thanks to


and my other friend who I don't know if she's on wattpad (can a amateur wannabe author please use bad grammar and spelling, PLEASE? SOMETIMES??)


and then we can worry about the writer's block =]

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