Dreamer (Part 2)

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He was standing outside the hospital room, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, head tilted back, just as I expected.

When he saw me, he raised an eyebrow. "...So...?"

"Could you help me a bit??" I complained as I tried to balance on my brand new crutches. Although I was deliriously happy, finding out that I'd have to wear crutches on my first date was a bit of a downer.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Well?? Any day nowwwwaaaaahhhhh!!!!"

I can't believe I actually once wished that I would break my leg so that I could get these stupid things. Crutches. Have you ever noticed? Even the word sounds torturous. *Sigh* I used to be so naïve.

"OW!! What the hell!!! That's NOT how you save someone!!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, next time I'll make sure to do it properly," he said sarcastically. Letting go of the front of my shirt, which he had used to grab me by, he put his arm behind my back and helped me stand, muttering little polite words underneath his breath. After he was sure I was standing properly, he let go and moved two feet away.

"What's wrong?" I asked alarmed, "Do I still reek of blood?"Frantically, I tried to "casually" sniff myself.

Please tell me I did not reek of blood when I was talking to HIM, please.

Nope, thank God. Then what was up with(still NO name!!!)?

What's up? You've been acting weird since you got here, it's not like it's the first time......."

"Oh. Oh, God, I'm so sorry, I just... forgot. I'm so sorry. Let's get out of here."

He looked puzzled, "What are you talking about???"

Now I was the one who had no clue what was going on.

" I thought... you were upset...because of your mom, you know..." I floundered for the right words.

His expression cleared and a smile started sliding across his face.

Suddenly he picked me up and started swinging me around. In the hospital lobby. In front of everyone.

"Whoa!!I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't mention it again!! Put me down!!!" I pleaded, "Broken legs here!!!!"

He set me down, still grinning, as I clutched at the walls trying to steady myself.

"Come on, meatbun!" And started walking out of the hospital.

"Wait up!!And don't call me MEATBUN!! How many times have I told you?!?! WAIIIITTT!!"

Stupid crutches. I can't believe I ever wanted you. I somehow managed to reach the door where a kind nurse opened the door for me, all the while stifling belly laughs. I could see _____ silhouette in the distance.

"What is WITH you??? One minute you're all tense and cross and rude and then the next you're smiling and twirling people in the air!! HEY!! I'm talking to you!" I yell at his retreating back, hobbling along at a snail's pace. "You say WOMEN are crazy emotional and always PMSing??? You males are just full UP with weird hormones....COMMMMEEE BAACCKKKK!!!!"

Wow, even that hadn't worked. Usually ______ hated references to the whole male/female comparison stuff. He hates it when I go all feministy on him. Which is why I do it as often as I can. And believe me I am a big-time feminist. My favorite saying is: Women can do anything because they control those who rule everything [men]. I have it written everywhere.

All he did was turn around, smile an annoying jaunty grin and wave before turning back again and quickly disappearing from view.

Huffing and cursing audibly, I walked the rest of the way back to my house which was thankfully, pretty close to the hospital.

As I let myself in, I couldn't help but smile. No matter how childish _______, no matter how immature, and infuriating, he was my best friend since fifth grade and I knew that when I was messed up, he'd be right there watching out for me. Even though he was acting exceptionally weird today.

Locking the door behind me, I stepped into the landing, groaning as I thought of the two flights I was going to have to climb to get into my room/storage closet. I felt tired just thinking about it.

Like, really.

My legs felt weak and suddenly the hallway in front of me was spinning. Leaning heavily to the side, I managed to prop my crutches against the door before I sank down into the plush carpet. Head still whirling, I managed to break my fall slightly, landing with my cheek pressed against the soft beige. My eyelids felt heavy and it was hard to keep them open.

I'm not sure why but I brought my hand in front of my face. Scrawled there in almost illegible writing, was a number. His number. This inane grin spread across my face.

And then slumping forward, I fell fast asleep.





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