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"Karren, Karren wake up hurry!" My brother Michael shouted

I rubbed my eyes out of their sleepy state and could finally see Michael, who was panicked and rushing frantically all around my room going through drawers and throwing things in a small duffel bag.

"Michael what's going on?" I groggily asked

"We are under attack hurry get dressed I am packing your bag, but we have to hurry!"

I dashed out of bed throwing a pair of jeans and a hoodie on in record time. Michael gave me my duffel bag and started pulling my hand, we ran downstairs to the back door of the house. Outside hundreds of wolves fighting each other limp, naked, bloody, body's everywhere in the field.

A deep voice spoke up behind us "they're she is boys get her"

Two men stepped out from behind the other man and we're stalking they're way towards me. Michael stepped in front of me and darted towards them fighting them off.

"Karren run and don't stop!" Michael yelled

I turned away from him and the men he was fighting, I shifted instantaneously into my wolf grabbed the bag Michael had previously packed for me into my mouth and ran into the woods.

I was the fastest runner in my pack and could run faster than anyone who tried to catch me. My black paws stomping on twigs and leaves as I ran through the thick pine forrest.

5 minutes after I had been running I heard someone running behind me another wolf, I didn't know if it was Michael or one of those men who wanted me. Michael was strong, stronger than almost everyone in the pack, but I was very unaware of how well he might be able to hold off 3 strong men.

I still ran and I could still hear the person pursing me from a couple yards away so I booked it, I ran at an even faster pace than before and kept going.

I didn't hear my pursuer after a while, but I didn't stop running either. I ran for hours endlessly never stopping to take a break or let my paws relax I kept on dashing my way through the woods dodging trees.

A never ending feeling of dirt, twigs, and leaves under my paws stopped I was now feeling pavement of a road hitting the surface of my paws.

I turned and looked around to make sure no one was behind me, I saw and heard nothing. I ran in the middle of the paved road with my bag of belongings still between my teeth.

I could hear my claws hitting the nicely paved road and while I was running in my wolf form down an empty street to God knows where I saw light.

I ran further down the street to the top of a hill where I saw just below a tiny town with street lights and buildings. I turned around to check once more and pondered onward towards the town.

I ran down really fast so no one would see me and when I reached the town I hid behind a building and shifted into my human form.

The duffel bag made a huge plopping noise leaving me very questionable. I squatted down, level to the bag and unzipped it, I saw there was a top layer of clothing and I felt something hard at the bottom.

I put my clothes on my knee as I sought out to see what was at the bottom and what I found left me in shock. Money, stacks and stacks of it. Two layers were stacked up filled with money for me.

I stuffed all the clothes back into the bag that were laying on me knee, but I grabbed an outfit and a pair of shoes from the top and put them on, I fixed my hair in a pony tail put the bag over my shoulder and walked out from behind the building.

It was around 10 at night so the streets where mostly quiet. I walked down the sidewalk along the street and ahead I could see a little burger joint open at the corner so I headed that way.

I opened the door to the joint where a little belle rang and a man shouted "Be with you in a second!"

I opened my bag grabbing two twenty dollar bills from a stack of twenties on the the bottom. After stalking the menu for a minute or so I walked up to the register and waited for the man to take my order.

"What can I get for ya" he asked

"Double bacon cheeseburger, with curly fries, and a medium Coke" I answered

"Alright that will be $12.50"

I handed him the twenty dollar bill and received my change back from him.

He smiled at me and said "I'll have the ready for you ASAP"

I walked over to my seat where my duffel bag sat and put the change in my side pocket.

A few minutes of sitting quietly alone in the burger joint with no sounds but the grill and bubbling of the fries cooking a couple of really muscular men walked in and it hit me the scent of werewolves.

I turned in my seat to look at them and they had there eyes fixated on me. I knew this was not going to end good...

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