Fighting together

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After a full day of shopping we bought a lot of clothes and necessities. I also bought a special outfit for tomorrow

I was putting away all my clothes from shopping today when Luke came in and started hugging me from behind.

"I can tell your nervous for tomorrow" he said

I turned around to look at him and I felt fearful.

"What if they don't like me or reject me as Luna" I exclaimed

He came down to my level and looked at me with bright glowing eyes.

"Karren the pack will love you trust me" he said

He hugged me and I felt okay. In this moment after everything I felt okay in his arms and my wolf purred to the feeling of our mate so close.

"Let's go run" I cheerfully said

Luke smiled at me and grabbed my hand, we ran down the stairs like little kids and out the backyard door. I was a faster runner than Luke was, even though he was an alpha I had alpha blood running through my veins too.

He jumped mid air and shifted into his wolf. His wolf couldn't catch me either, but next I shifted as I was running too. I ran away from him so fast that he could almost barely catch up with me.

We ran endlessly chasing and playing with each other when suddenly we came into place with a beautiful scenic view right in front of us. There was a pond clear as day where I saw fish swimming around and there were beautiful apple trees that only had the flowers on them.

I looked over to Luke who had been watching me look around the entire time. I jumped on him and tackled him to the ground and pinned his front paws on his chest with mine.

I looked into his eyes and licked his cheek to give him a kiss. Next thing I knew he had flipped us over pinning my front paws to my chest signaling he wanted to play. I snuck out from underneath him and started running around.

I ran around the open field and splashed in the water. One moment we were playing around and next Luke was standing like a statue I walked up behind him.

"Don't move" he mind liked me

"Luke what's going on" I feared

He looked at me "I smell rogues"

Than I saw them, three rogues two of them were grey and the leader I presume was the black one. Luke growled warning them to back away or they would get hurt. They growled back signaling they weren't afraid.

Luke got in his attack position and one the grey wolves started darting for Luke, Luke ran towards him as well and they started fighting. The grey wolf bit into Luke's back, but he bit at the other wolves hind leg than tore a piece of skin from the wolves neck leaving his human body to be exposed and go limp.

Luke turned around to look at me when both the other wolves attacked him. I whimpered and whined as they bit into Luke.

My anger started to rage and I started to get mad when I felt my legs sprinting at the other two wolves who were attacking Luke. When I reached the wolves I grabbed the grey ones leg in my mouth and threw him across the field.

He got up again and looked at me, he growled at me and I got in my attack position. He darted towards me and I ran for him I jumped over him as he ran straight through and we both turned around again to look at one another. He came back for a second try and this time I grabbed him by his neck and wripped him to shreds.

By than Luke had the leader killed and was sitting there watching me as I had torn the wolf to shreds. I felt really powerful and pissed off in this moment.

Luke walked over to me and started to rub up against me making sure I was okay. I looked on his back and he had been bitten several times I licked up his blood and tried cleaning his wounds for him.

We walked back to the house side by side and I feel like fighting along side each other brought us closer.

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