Meeting the pack

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I found myself in our bed the next morning with Luke wrapped around me while he had his big mouth open snoring. I laughed at this, he was so cute when he was sleeping.

I took my pillow from behind my head and I whack-a-moled his face with it.

"Ughhhh" he whined

I laughed "wake up sleepy head"

"Go back to sleep" he whined

I looked at his face as his eyes were closed and I pulled myself up high enough to reach his face and I placed my lips on his, he immediately responded and started kissing back. At first it was a slow passionate kiss but than it got heated.

He flipped us over so now he was on top of me. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I accepted and our tongues fought for dominance which he won of course.

He grabbed my butt making me moan into the kiss and next thing I know I could feel his friend poking into my lower stomach. I pulled away from the kiss and I started laughing. 

"Have a situation going on there Luke?" I laughed

Luke looked down at his friends poking up and he put his head back and started groaning.

"Go take a shower and I'll make breakfast" I told him

Today was mables day off so i jumped out of bed and I started down the hallway to the staircase. I hopped over the staircase falling to the floor and walking over to the fridge in the kitchen. I found that there was bacon sausage and blueberries in the fridge and in the cupboard there was pancake mix.

"Blueberry pancakes with sausage and bacon it is" I said

I looked around the kitchen for minute not knowing where any of the cooking pans were and Tham I started cooking.

By time Luke was done with his shower and clothed he came downstairs and came in the kitchen were I was just finishing everything. He came up behind me and hugged me kissing my cheek.

"Something smells good" he said

I put a plate full of his food on the island and made him sit to eat. He dug in immediately and started moaning I thought he was almost going to have a food orgasm.

"Babe this is delicioud" he moaned

I laughed and made myself a plate and sat next to him and started eating as well.

He turned to look at me and said "guess what happens today?"

I thought for a moment and almost choked on my food when I remembered.

"I have to meet the pack today! Shit!" I freaked out

He started laughing hysterically making me growl.

"You'll be fine but go get ready I'll clean up" he said

I kissed him on the cheek and scurried up the stairs. I went in the closet grabbing the white dress I bought yesterday while shopping and took it into the bathroom with me. I jumped in the shower washed my body and my hair and jumped out.

I towel dried my hair till it was basically dry took the blow drier dried it and turned my curling iron on. I took my makeup threw some black eye shadow with skin colored lip gloss on. I side curled my hair and put some earings in my ears. I grabbed my dress and unzipped it stepping in and zipping it back up. I put my high heels on and ran into out room checking the time.

I walked out of our room and down the stairs and found Luke already to go. His mouth dropped and his eyes popped out of his head when he saw me I shyly put a strand of hair behind my hear and walked over to him.

"Ho-ly shit" he exaggerated

I laughed and smiled

" I honestly think my eyes are being blessed right now" he said

I laughed "Let's go you goofball"

He grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers walking out to the garage.

"Truck?" He asked

I laughed and nodded my head

We got out to the garage he lifted me in and we left heading to the pack house. I turned on the radio and I jammed put the whole way. In about 15 minutes after we left we made it to the pack house which was huge there were wolves all over the place.

We rode to the back yard of the pack house were there was tents set up near a stage and tables full of food with hundreds of wolves everywhere. Everyone saw us pulling up and there attention turned immediately towards us.

Luke stopped the truck and turned to look at me.

"Are you ready baby" he asked

I nodded my head and he jumped out speeding over to my side of the truck, opening the door, and helping me out. I was put on my feet and I started looking around at everyone as everyone looked at me.

Luke grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers which made me calm down. We started walking over to the stage and we climbed onto it, Luke tapped the microphone making sure it was on.

"Everyone listen up" he started

"As you know I have finally found my mate and your new Luna I'm proud to announce karren peters as your new Luna so here she is" he announced

I stepped up to mic and took a deep breath

"Hi everyone I just want you to all know that I am going to try to be the best Luna I could possibly be for you all, I hope you can accept me as part of your pack so I can protect it just like Luke does I hope you can accept me as your new Luna" I told them

At first it was silent but than roaring of claps and hollers were all over they all cheered frantically for for a long time. Luke and I stepped off the stage and we were attacked by several people. People shook hands with me and I got some hugs as well.

I talked to many people throughout the day. I played ball with some little kids and made many new friends. I felt accepted here.

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