4 Year Anniversary

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Today is mine and Michael's 4 year anniversary. I'm supposed to go and pick him up from the airport. I talked to him a couple nights ago. He said he was gonna show up so now I'm just waiting on a text saying that he landed.
It has been 4 hours since his flight has taken off. The plane should've landed by now. Why hasn't he texted me? I decided to call him because I'm getting really worried.
"Hello?" Says a voice on the other end of the phone. That is not Michaels voice.
"Is this Michael?" I say even though it's not him.
"Let me get him. Hang on." The voice says. I wait patiently for a few minutes and Michael finally starts talking.
"Hey babe!" Michael says.
"Did your plane land?" I ask.
"Shit. Babe. I missed the flight." He says.
"How could you miss the fucking flight. You told me you had three alarms on your phone for the flight and your mom was supposed to call you and remind you. What the hell happened?" I was furious. First he cheats on me and then he misses his flight for our four year anniversary.
"I'm sorry! Things happened."
"What happened? How could you miss this flight? You knew how much today meant to me."
"I'm sorry babe. I'll try and catch a flight tonight. I'll see you soon babe. I'll talk to you later. I love you." He hangs up. I really hope he makes this flight.
Danny hasn't talked to me or Emma since that night. He did leave a bruise on my arm so I had to wear long sleeves until it was gone.
A few hours later, Michael calls.
"Hey babe, I'm at the airport!" He says with excitement in his voice.
"Yay! Alright I'm on my way now. See you soon!" I hang up and rush to a cab. The airport is only about a 25 minute drive from the school so that's good. Michael also plays an instrument. He plays the guitar. He brought that with him so he could fit in a little better I guess.
I can't help but run and jump on him when I see him. I've missed him.
He kisses me and hugs me really tight.
"Let's go back to the school. I have your bed set up all ready." I start grabbing his things and I start walking away. He follows me back to the cab and we are back to the school in no time.
Once we get to the room, I show him where everything his and where his things can go.
"It turns out I'm staying for a few weeks if you'll let me." He says.
"Sure." I say, "that would be great." I kiss him on the cheek and help him unpack his things.
Later that night I introduce him to Emma and we all go out to eat. At dinner, he pulls out a small box from his jacket pocket and places it infront of me. I look at him in astonishment. I pull the sparkly purple ribbon off the box and open it. Inside there is a necklace with mine and his birthstone in it.
"Its beautiful." I say with tears collecting in my eyes. I hand him his box. A couple weeks ago Emma and I went shopping and I found this watch that he keeps telling me he wants. I decided to get it for him. He opens it and he gets all excited.
"This is the watch I said I wanted. Haha! I can't believe you remembered! I haven't said I wanted this since last summer." He says putting it on.
"I hope it fits. If not we can go get it fixed tomorrow." I say taking the necklace out of the box.
"The watch fits perfectly. No adjustments needed." He says smiling. I've always liked his smile. He has straight, white teeth and his smile just makes the whole day better.
We head back to the dorms and head to bed. He kisses me goodnight and then we both fall asleep.
The next day, I wake up in his bed with his arms around me. I have no idea how I got here. He eventually wakes up from me getting out of his bed. I'm still wearing one of his T-shirts and shorts so nothing happened last night.
"Whats wrong?" He mumbles as he's trying to wake up.
"How did I end up in your bed last night?" I ask scrambling to get dressed because I'm late for music theory.
"You asked if you could sleep with me so I moved over and let you." He says putting his shirt on.
"Oh. Really?" I was so confused because I don't remember doing that.
"Yeah." He says
I take my hair out of the braids and shake my hair out. I throw on some mascara and fill in my eyebrows and then I brush my teeth while putting some pants on and getting my things together.
I skipped breakfast because I was 30 minutes late to music theory. I told Michael to stay in the dorm until I get back which won't be long because I just have music theory today.
After class I head back up to the dorm and Michael isn't there. I call him and he won't answer his phone.
Where the hell could he be? I thought to myself...

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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