The Nightmare That Changed My Life

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                                                                 Chapter One 

"I just don't understand these nightmare i have scare me doctor". "They confuse me." "What are they about"? Today it was about falling and never hitting the ground and as i fell i saw my girlfriend. She started crying and then laughed. After that a mirror showed up out of no where. As i looked into my eyes started to bleed this wierd liquid. The liquid was purple and slimy. Then, My bestfriend grabbed my shoulder and said "It's going to be fine". I was worried. Then after he let go he was stabbed. When i woke up i got a voice message. It said" Your friend was stabbed last night and killed." When i went to school My girlfriend was crying.

Well Matt this sounds like a problem. Two nights ago i had a dream that my friend broke his foot. Yesterday, at school his foot was broken. I feel that anything i dream comes true. But, I dream mostly about bad stuff . I just wish i could have good dreams. I have a feeling my family is next. I just feel like people are gonna treat me different if they find out about my dreams.

Well,Matt your dreams are not dreams anymore. This is not bad thing or a good thing its in the middle. Just try to think positive before you go to sleep for now on. As i walked out of the office, i sneezed and passed out. Just like in my dream. Now there are 2 realitys in my world. 

I went to school the next day and told my girlfriend about the dream thing. She understood and said" i will call you at night". I walked home and someone came up to me screaming at me why? I got into my house and did stuff. Around 10 P.M i talked to my girlfriend. After that i fell asleep....

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