I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Maddie. (Phone call) Bold: skyler Regular: Maddie
Hello? HEY WAKE UP I'm coming to get u and we are gonna go to the mall. Okay. when will u be here? I'm like 5 minutes away AND YOUR TELLING ME THIS NOW! Okay gotta go baii MAD- *phone call ends*
Wow. Okay what outfit can I put together in like 2 minutes? Ummm. How about this? (Picture below is what she picks out)
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"Okay yeah that's good" I throw my hair into a messy bun and I hear a honk outside. I grab my phone (ofc), wallet, keys, and spray some perfume on. I hop into Maddies car and we drive to the mall. *at the mall* As we walk into holister I see Grayson and Ethan "MADDIE!!" "What!?" "THATS THE GUYYY...QUICK HIDE" I grabbed Maddies hand and pulled her behind a clothes hanger thingy. "Why are we behind here?" Maddie asked "oh right I didn't tell u" "OOO SPILL IT SISTERR" "okay so. Jenn has been hanging around these reallllly hot guys and they are twins and one of them likes me and I kinda maybe have feelings for him too😬. But I never really show it and like idk what to do and now he is here and that's awkward. Oh and not to mention I LOOK HORRIBLE!" "Woah and NO U DONT STFU... C'mon lets go to the food court I'm hungry" "alright let's go.. BUT hide me please" "ugh your such a diva" when she said that she pushed me out of where we were and I bumped into someone. AND GUESS WHO IT WAS.....