Grayson's pov "Do you mind if I do this?" I grabbed her hand and held it. She looked into my eyes and said "no. But do u mind if I do this? She leaned in... And fixed my hair "it was bothering me" "oh"
Skyler pov Did he actually think I was gonna kiss him? I mean ya he is attractive and stuff but I don't even know him like that. Like let us be friends first😂 get to know me. Like I barely know u but it will happen one day :) me and gray walked around the mall and went into some stores and picked out outfits for eatchother and wore them and judged them on a scale of 1-10 here are some things I picked out for him and what he rated them 1. He rated it a 9
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2. He rated it a 10
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3. He rated it a 9 he bought it too
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And the outfits he pick for me were
1. I rated it a 7
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2. I rated it a 10 I bought it
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3.i rated it a 10000 also I bought it
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After that we looked around for his brother and Maddie. We found them by the food court ofc. Then gray asked me if I had a ride. "Actually-" "SHE NEEDS A RIDE I'm not gonna drive her u can drive you have fun BAIIII" MADDIE barged in our conversation. I just rolled my eyes. "Well there is your answer" "do u want me to drive u home?" "Yeah that would be nice I guess I mean yeah" we walked to his car and woah just woah like I just realized that I might actually have a lot of feelings for the kid. Man. I hope he liked me back :(
SORRY ITS SHORTTTT but the next chapter is gonna be like your gonna wanna keep reading 😂 but ya IM OUT