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Monday morning April 8, 2016
7:00 a.m.

"SKYLER WAKE UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL" yelled my mom from downstairs.
"Ughhh" I groaned. I picked up my phone from my nightstand. I realized I wasn't charging my phone last night. And it was at 18%. "Great.. What else can go wrong" I whispered. I quickly found my plug put my phone on airplane mode and charged it while I got ready. I hopped into the shower and did my routine witch took like 2 minutes since my mom woke me up late *rolls eyes* I get out of the shower walk back into my room and get my outfit on ( picture below)

 I hopped into the shower and did my routine witch took like 2 minutes since my mom woke me up late *rolls eyes* I get out of the shower walk back into my room and get my outfit on ( picture below)

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I didn't feel like trying today so I went with something plain. I put my hair in a messy bun went back to the nightstand to see how much my phone has charged. It was at 40%. I mean that's not bad, if I bring my charger and charge it in mr.figlens class since he is cool, i guess I'll be fine. I unplugged my phone and grabbed the charger and shove it in my bag. I ran downstairs and made some breakfast. Well not really, I just ate an apple. I walked to my mom and gave her a kiss and out the door I went. Since Maddie had a car I decided to call her cause I didn't feel like walking today.

(Phone call with Maddie)
Regular: Maddie

Hey can u pick me up cause I don't wanna walk to school today.

Sure. At your house?

Nooo at McDonald's... YES MY HOUSE 😂

Right. Sorry I kinda am like still half asleep and *yawns* so Wh-


Okay I'll be over in 5
(End of call)
(Skip to when there are in the car)

"Geez that took forever" I said "girl you over exaggerate too much" "NO I DO NOT" yea I do "whatever"
*arrived at school*
"Thanks for the ride I owe u one"
"No it was no problem.. Even though u woke me up from my beauty rest *flips hair*"
"Whatever I'll text you"
"Kay bye girlll *as she drives away* HAVE FUN AT SCHOOLLL" she always does that. Cause she is homeschooled she rubs it in my face 😒 idk why I can't be homeschooled.
Well here I go. *bell rings*

This is gonna be such a lit story btw
Uhhhh idk what else to put but BAIIIII

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