Part 1 ~ him..

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Rose pov
It was a peaceful day...
I check my clock and it was 8:32. "ROSE!!WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Freya said "I am!" I said laughing, I got change and put this outfit on

 "ROSE!!WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Freya said "I am!" I said laughing, I got change and put this outfit on

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black was my favorite color but I wasn't Emo. Later on I went to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth,
I went downstairs and I saw freya smirking at me...ughh what does she want now!
"What is it?" I asked "well... Guess what?!" Freya says "what?" I said bored "cmon guess, don't be lame!" Freya said whining "your pregnant?" I asked laughing "STUPID NO" freya says laughing and smack my head. "Ow" I said rubbing my head. "Ok for real what is it?" I asked "one lucky student is going to interview Mr Minter, so it can either be me or you!"Freya says screaming "ok........what about it?" I said uninterested "Rose cmon he's a hottie and he's a billionaire, man.... I wish he was mine" Freya said daydreaming about him "Freya" I said. "Freya!" I said smacking her head."ahhh wtf" Freya says rubbing her head. "I'm not interested him" I said "LIES!" Freya said "I'm serious.... I said and open my laptop. "Cmon Rose, I'm so jealous of you cause a lot of boys asked you out, but you reject them, why?" Freya asked me.. I stood there in silent "Rose why?" Freya asked again.
"I don't believe in love......." I said looking in the ceiling "why?" Freya asked "It's hard for me to find love....before anyone else my dad was the first guy to break my heart. I truly love him as a dad, he was always there for me until one day he had to leave and he promised me he would come back but he never did........after that I was scared to fall in love again, I didn't wanted that to happen mom told me that my dad never love her and never love me to..." I said, making my hand into a fist "Rose...I'm sorry I shouldn't ask you that" Freya said and hug me.."it's ok...sometimes the truth has to come out" I said  "Rose but seriously I'm really sorry" Freya said "don't worry, I hate him so much.... It's not your fault it's his" I said and grab my backpack. "Alright let's go" I said smiling at Freya.
Me and Freya went walking to our classroom, "Rose Lachlan been staring at you ever since we came in here" Freya says,

Me and Freya went walking to our classroom, "Rose Lachlan been staring at you ever since we came in here" Freya says,

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I look at Lachlan and he looked away. I noticed that his group is laughing and pushing Lachlan around,
I laughed. "So you and josh?" I asked Freya "Rose shut up ok!" Freya says blushing "cmon I know you like him" I said wiggling my eyebrows to Freya.. "No I don't" Freya said and covering her face, "awe baby Freya is covering her face cause she got a crush on Josh the bad boy" I said in a baby voice. "I don't like him" Freya says laughing "so you wouldn't mind if I tell him to come here?" I said, "Rose don't you dare!" Freya says "I'm sorry Freya I love you but, JOSH!" I yelled and later on Josh saw me and he smile.. He told me he had a crush on Freya so I decided to help a friend out. "Hey Rose and hey Freya" Josh said waving at us "HEYYY" I said "so what do you want?" Josh asked "I want you to stay with her I... Erm... Gotta go and get something!" I lied "ok" Josh said, Freya gave me a glare. "BYEEEEEE" I said walking away from Josh and Freya... I was hiding, later on someone tap me and I jump "You fuc--" and I saw Harry. "Oh hey Harry" I said laughing "HEYYYYY" he said laughing. I covered Harry mouth and told him to shut the fuck up. I said laughing "what's going on?" Harry asked "look" I said pointing at Josh and Freya, "ahhh I see" Harry smirk. "Harry look! Freya gave him her phone number" I said "she wants the D" Harry says I stare at him and laugh..."alright I'll see you later" i said to Harry "alright text me" Harry says and left. I went to walk where Freya was.."so how was it?" I Asked "it was amazing, he's so sweet" Freya said "you see I knew it you like him!" I said "shut up... Ok I do shush" she said. Later on the teacher came "ok students listen up! One of our  student got invited  to interview Mr Minter" mrs s said, I could hear some of the girls excited to hear who it was... "Oh my gawd! Hopefully it's me" Freya says "I don't care" I said putting my head in the desk
"Ok the lucky student is ..........Rose Robertson!" Mrs s said excited "what? Oh hell no" I said, "do I have to?" I asked mrs s "yes You do,for some reason he ask you! No one else" mrs s said "WHAT ROSE YOU KNOW HIM?!" Freya asked " I don't know him And how does he know me,we have never talk?!" I asked mrs s "I don't know?" Mrs s said.... Why me??? I knew who he was but I've never met him or talk to him before....why me??
School ended

"Oh my gosh Rose you're so lucky" Freya says " when is it?" I asked "tomorrow" Freya asked "tomorrow?" I froze and looked at Freya. "Yeah tomorrow" she said "why me!' I said "aye you should be honored" Freya said " to bad I don't like him... I'm just gonna interview him that's all" I said and unlock me and Freya apartment..
"Ok and good luck!" Freya says

I was in my bed....
Why me? I asked myself

Simon pov
Tomorrow was the day I get to meet Rose Robertson.... Out of everyone else in her school I chose her cause she look pretty .... I'm pretty sure she's excited to meet me who wouldn't? Like look at me, I'm 22 years  old who is hot and a billionaire  who owns a wealthy company, well it was my dad.... But he died.. God I miss him..  Every girl is dying to meet me or get in my pants and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind,
I'm fine if she wants to have sex I wouldn't mind... I can't wait to meet her....

Well hopefully you guys enjoy this, if you did comment and sorry I've haven't been uploading in the other book... I run out of ideas and yeah... But I well update that book later ok bye😂💖

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