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Castor was tired that's why she didn't cook. So when Tyler arrived at her house, she just commanded that he come in. He found her in the kitchen, surrounded by take-out menus and drinking a red bull.

"So you aren't cooking me dinner?" he was dressed in a jeans and a t-shirt, muscles showing through.

"Fuck. You look so good. I'd lick you, if you let me."

"I wouldn't say no." Tyler came closer and looked over the menus, "Chinese or pizza?"

"Chinese." Castor said smiling. She grabbed her cell phone, "what do you what?" he told her his order and she called the place, Tyler stole the phone and gave the man on the other line his credit card information, earning a glare from Castor. She sighed when he hug up the phone.

"You didn't expect me to let you pay on our first date, right?"

"I mean. Yeah. I kind of did. I invited you over for a home cooked meal and I didn't do it."

"Come on. First date. I pay." Tyler brought Castor to the end of the counter and had his hands on either side of her thighs, "what do you want to do?"

"We can watch a movie." Tyler smiled and pulled Castor closer to him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her over to the couch. When he sat her down, she kicked off the heels she wore that day and grabbed the remotes turning on the television. She switched over to Netflix, "do you like scary movies?"

"Of course I do." Tyler said a little too quickly, giving Castor a look. She smiled and went to the horror section. She chose Contraction and the movie started to play. She couldn't help but cuddle up to Tyler. It had been awhile since she was in a relationship, almost two years since her last boyfriend absolutely destroyed her self-confidence and her trust in men. She had been on dates and had hookups with people, but with Tyler she wanted something more. She needed something more. 

In the middle of the movie they were both on their phones laughing at the photo Tyler posted on Instagram, the doorbell rang indicating their food had arrived. Castor paused the movie and got up to the kitchen while Tyler got the door. She grabbed them bowls and glasses of water before going back into the living room. Tyler sat down next to her and they dug into her food resuming the movie.

After eating they snuggled back into each other and Castor bit down on her lip. She wanted to kiss Tyler, but what if he got the wrong impression and thought this was just a one night stand.

"When do you want to go out again?" he asked randomly.

"You want to go out again?"

"Absolutely. Don't you?"

"Yes. I am performing on Saturday Night Live next week, want to go with me?"

"Are you serious?" Tyler sat up really quickly knocking Castor onto the floor, "holy shit. I'm sorry!" she sat on her knees and began to laugh.

"It's okay. That was funny as hell. Yeah, I'm serious. I'd love for you to come see me perform live." Tyler grabbed her hands and pulled her up. She was still in front of him, and he took the chance to move her dark hair out of her face and kiss her. She smiled into the kiss and when they pulled apart they smiled at each other, "you should stay. It's late and we have an early table read."

"I don't live that far."

"Don't worry, I won't lick you." she teased. She turned off the movie and stood up, taking Tyler with her. He followed behind her to her bedroom. She turned on her light and went into her closet changing her clothes, she came back out in a silk nightie. She passed by Tyler and handed him a toothbrush that was still in it's box.

"Thanks." she noticed immediately that he was shirtless and it took everything in her not to lick him. She bit down on her lip and went into her bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face. Tyler went in after she left, she got into bed and checked her phone before setting an alarm to wake up to in the morning. Tyler came in five minutes later and laid next to her, pulling her into him. He kissed her shoulder blade.

"You forgot to turn off the light." she commented laughing.

"This is how you treat your guests?"

"Yes." she said honestly and then giggled, removing the blanket from them and getting out of bed. She ran to the light before dashing back into bed and under the covers. She kissed Tyler's lips before turning onto her side and he grabbed her again pulling her close.

AUTHORS NOTE: They didn't have sex. 

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