Meeting the Parents

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Castor was nervous about meeting Tyler's parents. Hell she was nervous meeting his siblings too. What if his family hated her and told him not to date her? That's the worst possibly thing she could imagine happening. So as she sat in the car with Tyler as he drove to his family home, her legs were bouncing up and down in anticipation for the actual meeting. She bought his mother a far too expensive gift according to Tyler, but she swore she got it on sale. She wanted his mother to like her, she would beg for his mother to her. She needed Tyler in her life, he was the first constant she's had in awhile besides her brothers. 

So when they pulled up to the family home, she refused to get out of the car. She was going to stay inside, but that plan didn't go as followed because his family came out of the house with smiling faces and were opened the passenger door that kept Castor safe. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the open door and was embraced by the only woman that could have been Tyler's mother and she hugged her back.

"We've heard so much about you, Castor. I am so happy to finally meet you."

"I'm happy to meet you as well, Mrs. Hoechlin."

"Oh call me, Lori." his mother said, pulling away from the girl and smiling, "we have a house full of food and we heard you love to eat. I also put on a fresh pot of coffee."

"Oh! You didn't have to do that. I would've been fine with anything you have to drink."

"Oh, it was no issue!"

"I figured after dinner we could play some games."

"You guys do game night?"

"It's dorky, but we love it." a young guy said coming up to Castor, "I'm Tanner."

"Castor, it's great to meet you."

"You too! Way to catch a young one, Ty." Tanner said smiling. The two brothers greeted each other and Castor was introduced to both Carrie and Travis. They were swept inside, but not before Tyler grabbed the gift that Castor bought. She was taken to the dining room table by Tyler's mother and forced to sit across from Carrie. The two girls chatted together about different music and the fact that she was going on tour soon and how Tyler was going to go with her. 

After dinner was over, they did gifts and the sewing machine that Castor bought Lori went over great. The woman claiming it was the exact one she wanted and she hugged Castor again. The evening consisted of many games including Monopoly, which was a family favorite in the Briggs home before her parents passed. They didn't talk about Castor's parents and she liked that. It was after midnight before the couple decided they should probably head back home because they did have to work the next day.

"You're welcome here anytime, Castor." Lori confirmed, "you'll be a wonderful addition to our family." the statement made Castor smiled.

"I'll come over anytime you guys want me."

"Tyler doesn't bring many girls home, so you're truly special to him." Castor looked over to where Tyler stood talking to his father quietly.

"He is truly special to me as well. He makes me feel so loved and so wanted."

"I can tell by the way you two look at each other that you love each other. It's the way I still look at Don."

"My parents loved each other through all the hardships we faced, and my father looked at my mother like he was seeing her for the first time everyday. It was beautiful. Every time I look at Tyler, it's like I fall in love with him all over again." Lori hugged Castor again and kissed the young girls forehead before Tyler came over to them with his father. He opened the car do for Castor and said goodbye to his parents before they drove off.

"They love you."

"I love them. They're amazing. You're truly blessed with an amazing family."

"I'm blessed by just having you in my life."

"You're a total sap."

"You love it, though." Tyler said, taking Castor's hand and intertwining their fingers together.

"I do."

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