[28] Tadashi's secret kinks [Finale?]

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Guess who has finally decided to crawl out of their grave and update? This girl! Sorry that I took so long to update -.- the school year was getting busier and busier and I have to focus on school. Plus after summer, I'll officially be a high school senior! I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. I'm not sure if this will be the final chapter, but we'll see ^^ - ChinitaPlease

It's been five months since you and Tadashi have been dating and everything is going really well so far! The way you and Tadashi met was the day where your assignment was due, and he, luckily, saved your butt from getting an F from Professor Callaghan.

You see, you and Tadashi share labs at SFIT and he was making Baymax and... well... never mind. Here's how both you and Tadashi meet!

> Flashback brought to you by Baymax waddling after a soccer ball <

You were busy building the invention that's been on your mind for a while. You looked at the blue prints and continued to build the invention you have in mind. Which was a homework robot! Sounds lame to most people, but amazing to people who doesn't want to do their homework.

"Hey, [Y/N]! What are you building?" Honey Lemon asks, approaching you. You looked up from your invention and at Honey Lemon, jumping at the sight of her.

"Honey Lemon! What happened to you?" You looked at Honey Lemon with wide eyes, she grins at you widely and wiped the pink paint from her face.

"It was one of my experiments!" Honey Lemon replies, she stood next to you and looked down at your invention.

"A homework robot?" Honey Lemon looks at you, curiosity sparked within her.

"Yea! This is just going to be my temporary invention until I actually come up with an invention that I can show to Professor Callaghan!" You said, running your hands through your hair.

"Although, I do have a couple of things in mind, but I can't exactly make it at this moment." You mumbled, grabbing a screwdriver.

"Well... what do you have in mind that you want to create, but can't at this moment?" Honey Lemon asks, looking at you curiously.

"Well... I really want to make something that can make things invisible! Or... a time travel machine?" You trailed off, digging through the piles of blue prints on your desk.

"A time travel machine? That sounds like that one show that people are really obsessed over!" Honey Lemon says, pondering about what that television show was called.

"Doctor Who?" You glanced at Honey Lemon, she perks up and nodded her head enthusiastically, a big smile appearing on her face.

"Yes! Oh [Y/N] I would love to see you make the TARDIS into a reality!" Honey Lemon says, bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly.

"Isn't the TARDIS copyrighted?" You ask slowly, making Honey Lemon hum to herself.

"Then... make it in a different shape, color and don't call it a TARDIS!" Honey Lemon suggests.

"I'll see about that! I need to finish making this homework robot then I'll plan how my time machine will be like." You murmured, continuing to put your homework robot together.

While you're building your invention, Tadashi entered the room. He sipped on his cup of coffee and walked towards the lab the both of you share. While he was walking towards the lab, you grabbed your blue prints and turned around and walked.

Without taking your eyes off of your blue prints (which you're trying to orangize), you bumped into Tadashi. The blue prints flew out of your hands and the coffee cup that Tadashi was holding spalshes on you.

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