five - sick

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Dear Maya,

        You are a terrible liar.

        You texted me this morning, telling me you were 'sick' and wouldn't be at school today, after I sent you a nervous message asking you where you were in the middle of first period. It's great how you think that pitiful excuse is going to ease my nerves at all. I know you better than that, Maya, you don't get sick. Barely ever have in all the years I've known you. Even if you do, you tough it out anyway, just so you can see Lucas and not miss anything important. You'd have to literally be dying to stay home from sickness and I don't think you're dying. I'd be the first to know if you were.

        But, hey, do you want to know what's a total coincidence?

        Today, Lucas seemed really off kilter. He was really quiet and brooding and so upset you could physically see him broiling under the surface of his skin. At one point some freshman girl accidentally bumped into him in the hall and he went on a rampage, yelling at her until she was crying and I had to intervene and calm him down (it was the most words I'd spoken to him in nearly two months, some great 'core four' we are, huh?). And early this morning, when I got to school and I didn't see you at Lucas' locker with him, I asked him what had happened to you and he gave a me stiff: "that's a good question" and walked off. Farkle noticed he was different too, but neither one of us could get anything out of him.

        You're not fooling anyone, Peaches. You can tell me anything, I promise. I hope you're okay.



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