That boy

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The second after everyone saw him we rushed out of the shops that we were in, before anyone could reach him he disapeared. The strangest thing to happen so far for the day, when i got home my parents were out getting blood so i just went to bed.

The next morning at school everyone was talking about what happened yesterday, plus we had a new student. Alex was by his locker and Lina ran up to him, i was expecting her to shout at him but she hugged him. They pulled away after they realised i was watching, it's weird how they were acting,  it's almost as if they...... I was interpped by the bell.

We went to class it was science, the teacher said to find à partner and Alex and Lina went together so i was left alone. Then a boy walked in, my heart stopped, it was him from yesterday i recognise those peircing red eyes, even though he hid his tail in his pants leg . She sent him to sit by me, like really of all people me. he walked down and sat next to me. We started our experiment everything went well until our hands touched and we stared into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity, then he turned his head removed his hand and wispered sorry. It was kindof cute the way he said it and his awkwardness was charming, the only thing wrong is that he's not a vampire he's a hybrid of vampire and werewolf.

Those tales of vampires and werewolves being enimies arn't true it's just an old folk tale. All monsters actually live together in peace and we allways help each other out.

We were out in the woods again for photography and we paired up once again i was put with him, we were walking through the woods taking random pics when i said " hey so i'm Amber and you are"? I extended my hand for a shake.He replied " ok then Amber I'm Jay" he then pulled me closer to him and he licked my neck. At this point i would of kicked him but all i did was wiggle around a bit so i could be set free, he wispered

" I rémember you from the ice cream parlour yesterday so you must know i'm à hybrid"

"yeah i do but i won't tell i promise...... um why did you bite me"

He smiled " i wanted a taste, is that not allowed"

"no it's not please don't do it"

"ok" he said with a sound of amusement in his voice.

The bell rang right after that and we had to go find the teacher. The school was snickering about something and when we walked down the hallway people wispered "breeded" that word is used for a vampire couple who now move their relationship to the next level, so they can drink each others blood. I was so confused until a message came up on my phone. It was a picture of jay and I when he licked me and under it wrote "the couple of St.Blairs Academy". I was so embarrased i did'nt want Jay to see it so ran off and hid in the girls bathroom, Honestly this picture could destroy my rep.

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