Chapter Five

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I stood by that tree for more than five minutes, I'm. Every second past my heart sunk deeper and deeper. Thoughts of the stranger not staying true to his promise clouded my mind.

I've paced and I've sat on the cold floor next to a old black bag but niether seemed comfertable so I settled for standing, my hands clutching the bark of a tree. I felt like crying and I felt that all my hope was gone. My cheek stung, my wrist were swollen, there was an aching hunger pain in my stomach, and felt miserable.

I need to go back in myself, its the only way I can find him. I take a few steps forward and I almost clear the tree line when I hear the shouting. I recognized one voice as the man who hurt me and the other was unfamilar, a deep unsettling tone.

The shouting carried on for a good minute and kept me forzen in place. Then a gun shot rang silencing everything. My breathe hitched in my throat, maybe he got caught. Is that why he was taking so long because he couldnt come back. Oh god, if they shot him it would be all my fault.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

I whip around and I'm faced with the same blue eyes before but, this time they held a bit of humor.

I slowly breathe out. "Wha- who?" I point to the house.

"Oh, there was a racon in the house and those men argued for five minutes on who was going to shoot it. That's why it took me so long they were chasing it all around the house. On the brightside I got these." He said smiling holding up a stack of papers.

My stomach flips and I reach for them but he pulls them above his head.

"Not yet. We have to go before they notice you're gone and these are gone."

He walks over to his pack and stuffs them inside before bringing the strap over his shoulder.


"Yes, we you're going to need my help to get him back from where he is you can't do it on your own." He says as he turns around and starts to walk deeper into the woods.

I stand still for a second before I follow. "Wait a second, how do I know that I'm going to need you help if I don't know where he is."


"Okay." I say to exshausted to agrue with him.

We walk for hours and he never seems to want to stop nor does he look as tried as I feel. When the sun starts to set he finds a tree the has a pound of soft grass around it and sets his pack on it.

"We can stay here til morning. It's dangerous to be walking around at night." He say before plopping down.

I sit down next to him. "Where will we go in the morning?"

He looks up at me with a smirk. "You'll find out then."

I frown and he sits up. He takes something out of his bag before adjusting his body next to mine. He brings it to my face and I flinch away. He pulls me back by the chin with his fingers and holds something in front of my face, it looks like a small wipe.

I shut my eyes as the fabric stings against the raw skin. He gently cleans the wound and tosses the dirty wipe away before settling down on his elbows.

"Thank you." I say softly. "For everything."

A small but sweet smile plays on his lips. "Get some sleep, I'll keep watch."

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