Chapter Eight

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If I said that my heart didn't sink when I saw what was beneath his shirt, I'd be lying. I couldn't help it, there was a tiny pocket of hope that  for once I met someone who wasn't after something to help their survival but there to help me. To make sure I would survive to.

This entire time I was on a little adventure with a deharnessed kid who could be very well leading me to there alien headquarters or whatever to strap one on my back. Then I would be gone, I wouldn't be me ever again. 

My small hands began to open and close to a tight fist. I was angry, and I wanted to punch him the face then dig a hole and shove him in it. But, there was no time for that.  Whatever I've been seeing for the past two days had to be a skitter. I need to run.

Ben started to slip his shirt back on and turn around but before he could catch another glimpse of me I took off.

"Charlie! Don't!" He yelled.

I Ignored him and ran through the trees as quickly as I could. I didn't have a clue to where I was going to go. I was alone and Damian was still out there.

I caught the same flash as before out of the corner of my eye and ran faster. Whatever it was i dind't want to meet it. But I guess it had other things in mind, because it jumped in front of my path. I screamed and fell down trying to go in the other direction. I landed on my back and I tried to scramble away but the skitter Just moved closer.

I was about to let out another scream but I clamped my mouth shut at the last second. I wasn't going to give it the satisfaction of my fear.

The thing crouched and looked like it was about bout to jump but it stopped and cocked its head to the side and blinked.

"Charlie." I heard Ben's voice behind me causing me to jump a little.

I felt hands wrap themselves under my arms and lift me up. The second I was on my feet I shoved Ben away.

"Don't you dare touch me." I snapped, eyeing him. "You're a liar, just like the rest of them."

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you, because I was scared about how you would react." He said back calmly.

The skitter made a clicking noise and I backed up trying to distance myself from it. Ben caught my arm before I backed up to far.

"He won't hurt you."


"Ben! It's one of those things!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air.

"No he is not. He's a rebel." Ben said.

A rebel huh? Oh goody.

"A what?"

"There are a few of their kind that were able to resist the control of the Overlords. They were able to escape and have been fighting back. I was harnessed two years ago, I was only with the aliens for a few months. Once I had the harness taken off I learned about them. Charlie, they can help. They know things we couldn't possibly ever figure out on our own."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because they know exactly where your brother is and how to get him out before they do anything to him."

Trustworthy - Ben Mason Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now