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It was a radiant Summer's evening, the sun was setting and elven children were seen basking in the good weather. You could hear their joyful giggles from miles away as every elf was either outside playing or watching those who played. That is, except for two.
Both elves had straight bleach blonde hair that seemed to glow in the sunlight, and were wearing a glistening crown upon their heads. These two younglings were the descendants of King Thranduil of Mirkwood. The royal family had taken the month to visit the small town of Rivendell.
In their father's absence the twins took to watching two slumbering mortals, twins just like them, in awe.
"Aren't they fascinating, Legolas?" The she-elf whispered to her brother as she stared in fascination at the sleeping forms.
"Indeed Luciana, they are such magnificent creatures." The blue-eyed boy replied, pushing a strand of auburn hair out of the mortal boy's eyes, an odd tingle warming his hand for some unknown reason.
"Hini," A deep, yet gentle, voice called which they soon recognized as their fathers. After all, no one called them children anymore. That term was reserved for their father, and their father alone. The two adolescent elves turned around to see a familiar silhouette in the doorway.
"Come Legolas, Luciana, for Lord Elrond is throwing a feast of which we are the guests of honor. The mortals will soon awake from their slumber, let them prepare for the feast, and we shall do the same." The King informed them, and the children obeyed without a word. Leaving the young mortals until later that night.
It was soon after the elves left the mortals' chamber that its remaining occupants awoke. The two teenagers stretched their aching limbs in hopes of relief, and were gladly met with soothing cracks. Leaping from their beds the twins swiftly got ready. For they both knew that sun down was fast approaching, and the feast, no doubt, would start with or without their presence.
"Aragorn?" The young mortal girl called as she stepped out of the toilet where she had just changed. She now stood in a beautiful red and gold dress with a golden crown set upon her head.

A head of which was repeatedly turning as the girl searched for her brother

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A head of which was repeatedly turning as the girl searched for her brother.
"Yes, sister?" The young ebony haired boy replied as he took a seat on his plush bed, which in turn proceeded to sink under his weight.
"Does this look okay?" The girl fretted as she posed in front of a mirror. She then proceeded to fix her golden tiara that she had brought from home long ago. Where home was, she was unsure. But she was, however, sure that a few of her belongings came from the same unknown place.
"It looks splendid." Aragorn stated distractedly as he too fixed his crown. After it was set to his liking the young man turned to see whether his statement held truth or not.
"Oh, Aurora. You look completely astonishing! I'm afraid you simply cannot go out like that, it will attract far too many." Aragon joked.
"And the same for you Aragorn... That is, if you tied your shoes!" Aurora teased her brother. The boy blanched as he fumbled with his unwound laces, tying them in a tight knot before glaring at his laughing sister. It was then a knock was heard at the door.
"Aurora, Aragorn! Are you ready? The feast is starting soon!" The familiar voice called through the door, the voice that belonged to one of their closest friends, Luciana. This also meant she was accompanied by Legolas, their other friend and Luciana's twin brother.
"Nearly there, come in." Aurora opened the door to find Luciana looking absolutely astounding in a long green and gold dress.

" Aurora opened the door to find Luciana looking absolutely astounding in a long green and gold dress

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"Aurora, you look beautiful!" Luciana hugged her.
"As do you, Luciana!"
"Hey Legolas." Aragorn smiled and waved his friend over, who was also looking pretty handsome.
"Hello Aragorn." Legolas was always the quietest and politest of the group.
"Hurry up Aragorn, we shan't be late because of you!" His sister nagged at him and left with Luciana.
"Yeah, Aragorn. Don't allow the ladies to be mad at you." Legolas smirked, joking around for once.
"Oh, shut up you!" Aragorn lightly punched him in the shoulder, jokingly.
"As you wish." Legolas smirked, closing his mouth and simply staring at Aragorn as he tied his shoes.
"I was just kidding." Aragorn mumbled, as he finished the neat bow.
"I know." The blonde elf stood up, offering his hand to the unknowing prince, who accepted, and walked to the feast, where the last of the line of Arathorn would find out their destiny.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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