When one door closes

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"I knew I loved you before I met you

I think I dreamed you into life

I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life"—I knew I loved you, Savage Garden

Blaise Zabini went stumbling to the ground and Draco had to almost physically resist from bursting out in triumphant laughter. He could have told him it was a bad idea. When Draco saw Hermione stomping over with that angry expression, he knew it was going to be hell and damnation to the next person who pissed her off. And he also figured it would be Blaise. Actually, it would be better to say he had hoped it would be.

But he never expected her to actually punch him. That was an extra bonus.

Having been on the receiving end of one of her slaps in second year after the Mudblood incident, Draco knew she had a wicked shot, but to have all that pent up anger crystallised in a fist and hurtling your way, Draco could only imagine how Zabini's head must be ringing now.

"Don't you dare talk about Hagrid like that you pathetic excuse for a human being!" she shrieked as Potter quickly pulled her away. Draco noticed with much distaste that Weasley was with her. So the three of them made up, did they? Draco couldn't say he was pleased.

Blaise just stared in shock and only seemed to register what had happened after she was half way on her way into the castle. "Mudblood, I'll make you regret that!" he cried.

The rest of the Slytherins sniggered and the girls began fussing over him. Draco curled his hand into a controlled fist, hidden behind his leg. "I wouldn't if I were you," he said softly.

Blaise whirled round. "What! You're siding with that filth, Draco?"


But instead he said with a smile, "Of course not. But do you really want people knowing that the jumped up Mudblood actually managed to hit you? You'd be a laughing stock. Best just leave it alone, and she is Saint Potter's friend. She won't be as easy to get rid of as that half-blood Hagrid."

Blaise nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Stupid Mudblood. I'll get her back someday, mark my words."

And for some reason, a chill ran up Draco's spine as he said that. Suddenly a flash of something hit him so violently he almost cried out.

"Draco?" Pansy simpered. "What's wrong?"

Not for the first time in the past few minutes he'd been here, he shrugged her arm off. "Headache," he grunted to the other Slytherins. "Going to see Madam Pomfrey."

He stalked away quickly before anyone could say anything.

Draco didn't even know how he'd ended up with them in the first place.

He'd just been wandering around, skiving a lesson, minding his own business when Blaise and some other Slytherins called him over. He tried to decline but they countered every argument he could come up with until it became a matter of yes or no. And Draco wasn't able to say no because Blaise's mother and his father were business partners.

So he was stuck. Theo was in an advanced Charms class and he hadn't known where Hermione was. Then Pansy attached herself to him and that was that, she was like an iron ball and shackle. He was glad for Hermione's intervention not only for the chance to see Zabini sprawled on the ground, but also because it gave him a chance to finally escape. And just in time too.

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