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In writing about nothing
I have found something to write about,
For nothing presents itself a wonderful topic
And I find words pouring from my mouth.

I am not eloquent,
I am nothing but a
soul of flesh and bones that has
nothing but words and the desire to be heard
a aging bag of bones that
rattle inside this cage longing to be free
longing for a day when I can sit and do nothing
But write and write and
leak ink through my pores
and blood through my words.
Or is it the other way round?
maybe for you, but not for me.
A person who looks as their hands
and sees freedom
despite being found by shackles
because they can still write.
A person who writes nothing,
pure nonsense and yet
for her it makes sense.
To write bad poetry and be happy.
I am not eloquent
I am not articulate
I am nothing
But a human who longs to have somewhere to go
Somewhere to be, where I can do nothing
and be everything
Where I don't have to make sense of the whirling nonsense around me,
where it is not expected of me to explain away the
dissonance that the world brings into me,
where I don't have to be anything.
This poem is rambling because
I want to keep writing but the words
aren't coming fast enough to keep up with my fingers, that means I should end it now but I don't want to
I just want to keep going and hope that all of this nothing
will eventually turn into something.
Everything has to begin with a little something. Right?
It's starts out as nothing then
grows into something then
matures into everything.
So I'll start with nothing.
I am not eloquent,
I am not articulate,
I am not talented yet,
I am not perfect.
I am just nothing.
I am a beautiful something.
A/N: this is rubbish, I know, I don't even know how this happened. I just kept writing and couldn't stop. I don't expect anyone to like it or anything, but I am publishing it because it is real. And I am trying more than ever now to be real. The part where I said I should have stopped writing, I mean it. I should have, I couldn't. Despite the weirdness of this poem, it is now I feel sometimes. This is the whirlwind of thoughts and I just wrote them as the came. Tell me what you think, I would love to know. :)

AlexithymaWhere stories live. Discover now