Chapter 4 Waiting for Love?

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It has been 2 weeks since I last had encountered the phantom and he returned me to my room after. I had begun to wonder if I would ever see him again. I know I must have hurt him by taking off his mask, but I needed to show him that he was wrong. That he CAN be loved! But I was too afraid to travel through the mirror by myself to his lair, because I did not want to desturb him, or make him angry and leave even longer. "Wait a moment, I'm wanting to be with this strange man who I barely knew and have him keep me with him? Am I beginning to love this man? This.... Phantom?" I thought to myself as I head to the stage for today's lessons. Madame Giry was teaching us new ballet forms that would be incorporated into our routine for the upcoming opera of Hannibal. Although this opera has been performed here before, it was such a success that after a few years, the managers wanted to perform it again, with fresh new faces to make the opera come alive once more. After the dance lessons, which went splendidly, I went to lunch with the other cast members and then back to the stage for my singing lessons with Madame Giry. Today she had me sing "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again", although I had never heard this song before, she must have. We went through the song 7 or 8 times to fix the little mistakes and note imperfections that had been made in the previous try. After about the 8th try, I asked Madame Giry to let me try one last time and that I promised it would sound much better. She agreed and stepped back to watch me sing. I looked at the conductor, nodded, then began to sing.... It finally sounded perfect!!! As I finished my first half of the song, another voice was supposed to sing and then we would duet together. But as there was nobody in the auditorium but me, Madame Giry, and the orchestra, I was confused as to who the voice was supposed to be... Well, I got my answer. A loud, melodic, captivating voice filled the space of the large auditorium "Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance." Instantly, I knew that voice, a shivering sensation rushed throughout my body. "He's here.... The Phantom of the Opera" I thought to myself with excitement and yet fear mixed in as well. I could not see him physically but his presence was overpowering. I loved it! I shook my head and continued to sing the end of the song as the duet part with him. When we finished, I felt his presence disappear almost immediately. It was terrifying. To think that one man could be almost anywhere in a huge place at almost any time. After music lessons ended, Madame Giry praised my hard work and the brilliant end result that resulted in his appearance. She had said that I must have pleased him to enough to come sing his part. "His part? So he had been in the original song?! So that's how Madame Giry knew the song, I guess." I thought to myself, I must have had a strange look because Madame Giry asked if something was wrong. I told her no, and thanked her for today's lessons, then went to my room to change into more comfortable clothes. Upon returning to my quarters, I notice my door slightly cracked open, candles lit, and the smell of roses eminating from inside the room. He had been in here recently, while I had not been. I looked over to the mirror, still shut. Then a bright red color caught my eye. There was a rose, thornless of course, tied with the silky black ribbon, laying on my pillow with a note laid neatly next to it. I entered my room, shut the door, and sat on my bed as I picked up the rose, inhaling it's sweet scent. I took off the ribbon, and put it in the drawer along with the 2 previous black ribbons from his lovely roses that he sent me. I then put the rose in a fresh vase with water, and picked up the note, opening it carefully. I was nervous to read what was written as it had been some time since I had any communication from him. The note read "Angel, you sang beautifully. I am glad to have shared the duet with you, and hope to sing more with you in the future. Our voices were made to perform together. We shall be together again soon. Take care, my angel of music. - O.G." I set the note down on the dresser and stood there thinking. We shall be together again soon? How long or short is soon? What will happen this time when he shows up again?" I thought about it for only a minute or so, then decided to not get to hyped up. So I got into bed and layed there amongst the intense silence. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep for what seemed like ages. When I awoke, a cape had been placed upon the back of my chair by the bathroom, on my dresser was a plate of freshly cooked pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast. It smelled so delicious! I looked around the room, seeing nobody, so I pulled up the chair, layed the cape on my bed, and enjoyed my breakfast. When I finished, I washed my hands and face in the bathroom, and when I returned, I picked up the cape while noticing something familiar, a large but gentle hand rested on my shoulder and the other covered my mouth as I tried to scream from shock. As I struggled to get away, the grip got tighter and a voice hastily said "Angle don't fight me, you have nothing to fear. I'm here, with you, beside you. To hold you and to guide you." I stopped my struggling when I recognized the voice. "He's here!!! The Phantom of the Opera!!!" I turn around slowly, eyes wide from shock still. I look up to see a grin on his beautiful face. Without realizing it, I had begun to smile too. "You are so beautiful, Angel. The definition of perfection." I blush, which makes him grin more, showing his perfect and beautiful white teeth. As I look at him in a daze, I fail to notice that he has the cape layed across his arm. He looks into my eyes and says "Put this on, I'd like to see how it fits you." I look down and take the cape, fasten it on my shoulders, and inspect the image of myself in the cape, in the mirror. The mirror which was now slightly open. The Cape is a little long and drapes behind me on the floor, only about a foot longer than me. I look back at him and ask "Is this your cape?" "Yes, it is indeed my cape." He says smoothly and deep like the silk ribbons from the roses. I started to question why he was having me try on his cape, he tells me that whenever he is not around for a bit, he will leave me his cape in my room so that I may feel like his presence is with me. I tell him thank you and he leaves through the mirror, back down to his lair. I take the cape off and lay on my bed with it, holding it close, inhaling his scent that still radiated off the material. His scent is so.... hypnotizing and soothing. It gives me the feeling of safety and protection. I finally realized that, that was when I got my answer.... I DO love him.

**Ok sorry I haven't updated in so long, my lovelies!!! I'm back now and can't wait to update the next chapter!!! Tell me how you think it's going so far :)**

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