requested by shivi2006 sorry it took so long!!
✖️ Play sims!
🌴 Netflix.
☯ Sleep/Nap.
✨Go hiking/jogging/running.
🌬 Go workout, it's good for the soul. :)
👽 Make a YouTube account.
👻 Play around with the SnapChat lenses.
💀 Clean your room.
💩 Clean out your closet and sell your old clothes.
👟 Play with makeup.
💫 Play a video game.
🍒 Paint your nails.
🌊 Watch some YouTube.
🍥 Read!
🍼 Listen to some new music.
🍩 Redecorate your room.
🛀 Take a nice bath.
♨️ Go get something to eat.
✳️ Bake something.
🆒 Cook something.
🌙 Start watching anime. (Some of them are really good!)
🚗 Take a relaxing drive
🎆 Do the opposite of the previous one and take a drive where you blast the music and have a car dance party! *drive safe*qotd: What's your favorite band? or Who is your favorite singer?
DIYs and Life Hacks
RandomThis is basically like a beauty youtube channel but in book form :)