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Published: May 13 2016
Edited: 3rd of March 2022


An inaudible sigh left Levi's lips. It was 6:56 pm, four minutes left before he could go home. Levi rubbed his forehead in frustration. Another negative stock impact affected the entire mood of the office. Levi worked endlessly after hearing the terrible news. Levi stared at the framed photograph across his desk. (Name) was wrapped around Levi's shoulders as they strolled down the sandy beaches. A small smile crept onto his face.

He shuffled the papers he was working on into a neat pile. The stress reappeared on his face as he gazed at the blinding numbers on his screen. Nearly a million dollars was lost to their rival company. Levi slammed his laptop closed. "tch." he moaned.

Levi reached for a black leather case next to his desk. He clicked it open and fumbled with his papers stuffing them into the case. Unlike any other day, he would have placed it neatly. He packed the case swiftly. Leaving work early was not common for the stoic man. Levi was usually the last to leave the office. He was engulfed in piles of paperwork, meetings, and Hanjis next game plan on how they could stay ahead.

Levi locked his office doors behind him. Levi's office assistant staggered from behind the desk. Her dark green blazer wrinkled from sitting most of the day.

"Goodnight sir," she mumbled nervously.

Levi strutted past her and into the elevator. "You as well, make sure to get that dry cleaned."

His assistant nodded and watched as the man disappears behind the elevator doors.

As one of the head CEO owners for the Survey Corps company, Levi stayed late to make sure everything was up to date and running smoothly. Lately, his stays at the office have turned into overnight work. (name) stated multiple times that she felt abandoned at times. As the elevator descended, Levi sent a text to his girlfriend, (Name).

"Late night again. I will see you later tonight."

He pocketed his phone. (name) was probably still in her evening classes. He sent the text to throw her off from the surprise. The last time he was surprised, (Name) has thrown him his first birthday party. He chuckled at the thought of her standing alone in the room, unknowingly when he would be in. (Name) was the light of his life, she was the calm after the storm. He loved (name) very much.

Levi's case unbuckled next to him. He watched as the contents fell from the case. "tch, cheap thing..."

He shoved the papers into the case before the elevator doors unexpectedly opened. A tall blonde man entered the small enclosed space.



"Did you see the news update." Erwin huffed.

"No. I didn't have time, I was going over the expenses." Levi mumbled.

Erwin pressed the emergency stop button. The elevator groaned to a stop. "Mina's case was officially closed today... The investigating officer had no clues to go off of."

Levi sighed. "That's unfortunate. She was an amazing assistant."

Erwin pressed the button again. Letting the elevator finish the trip. "I thought you would be the first to know. Seeing as she was your girlfriend."

Levi balled his fist. "I don't need you to tell me how to cope. It has been years since I saw her..."

Erwin nodded. The elevator finished with another groan. Erwin stepped out first. "I know Mina wouldn't want you to spend your anniversary upset... I'll see you tomorrow."

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