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"(name) (last name)" The emotional girl next to me left her chair. She turned around and faced me. Her left hand curled around her mouth. "Are you coming Levi?" I left the chair and followed her back. She held her hand against her mouth hiding her jagged breathing. I pulled her hand down and wiped the tear that left her cheek. "Don't cry. He won't rest if you cry for him." (Name) nodded her head and let out a sniffle. "I just miss him."

Internally something snapped. Something deep inside felt the pinch of pain. She missed in. She fucking missed him. I wanted to snap at her for leading me on. Telling me she was sorry, that 'it was a mistake.'. (Name) follow the nurse into the hallway. She opened a door that read "Hospital Mortuary". The nurse walked into the room. "I've contacted his parents earlier this morning after, they will be arriving tomorrow morning to make funeral plans. Mrs. Yeager said you could identify the body until then, Eren will stay here." (Name) nodded her head.

The nurse lead them to a small room with a viewing window between them. She left the room and appeared on the other side of the mirror. After a few seconds of being out of view, she pushed a cart with a body bag on top. The nurse opened the body bag slowly. She brushed the bag side down and glances at the couple behind the mirror. "Is this Eren Yeager?" (Name) squeezed her eyes shut. "I can't do this." (Name) covered her face when her sleeve. "(Name) listen to me. His parents need you to do this, I know it's hard, I've been there, please... Don't make this difficult." The nurse spoke in a soft comforting voice. (Name) inhaled and opened her eyes. She looked down at the lifeless Eren. She inhaled sharply and shook her head yes. "Yes, that's my fiancé." The nurse closed the bag, then the mirror went black. A voice of another individual spoke into the room over the intercom. "we'll give you a moment."

(Name) dropped slowly to her knees. She tucked them close to her body. Her whimpers and sniffles covered the air around us. She wiped her face of tears and looked up. "Levi... There was no blood... Why was there no blood?" Her question puzzled Levi. "What? (Name) he got cleaned." (Name) rose to her feet and ran to the door. Your senses kicked in as you trailed behind her. She ran up to the nurse who lead you down the stairs and stopped in front of her. "How did he die?"

The nurse walked up to her and handed her a packet. "All of Mr. Yeagers items are in here. I can't talk about the cause of death, the doctor under his care is missing, and his case is under investigation. I'm sorry." She lead us back to the lobby and walked away. (Name) walked out of the hospital and towards the car.

she ripped open the packet and pulled out the medical bills in hand. She flipped over each one and found it. "Cause of death: IV Bag not sterilized, Dust Particles were detected inside." (Name) held her hand to her mouth. Small raspy gasps escaped as she held her hand over it. "They killed him! This hospital killed him." She threw the medical papers away from herself. (Name) wailed on the floor screaming obscenities at the staff members who tried to comfort her. Levi leaned down and picked her up. She struggled in his arms as he carried her out of the hospital. He apologized to each person he passed.

Levi placed the exhausted girl in the front seat. Her eyes were puffy from the tears. Levi walked around and started the car. He wanted nothing more then to leave. (Name) held Eren's watch in hand. The items from inside were clenched close to her body. She traced her finger about the small face. "Levi, is there a heaven?" Levi's let out a short breath. She glanced towards him "If so, do you think he's there? Or is her somewhere else." Levi stopped the car in front of Erwins house. "(Name), Eren is there. I promise... I have to leave the car, please stay here. 'll be right back. Eren is safe now, he's where he believed." Levi shut the door and ran to the building.

"Levi, I have some unfortunate news." Erwin spoke as you walked in. You passed Erwin and grabbed a new shirt. "I know, I was at the hospital visiting mom and heard about it". Erwin let out a sigh. "How is she?" You pulled the shirt over your head. "Fine. She's in my car. I'm going to drive her home now. She had to identify the body..." Levi walked out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen.

"Erwin, he was (name fiancé.)"

Drown (Levi Ackerman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now