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Published:May 13 2016
Edited: March 22nd 2022


The next morning, Erwin was the first to awake. Erwin didn't want to say anything, but he could hear Levi crying in the late night.

He heard Levi call himself dumb and blind continuously until he couldn't hear Levi behind his sobs. Erwin brushed it aside and got ready for the day. After his shower he opened his computer and filed A Temporary Leave Requests for Levi. Erwin opened Levi's emergency contacts for work and found (name)'s name.

He called and asked them for their whereabouts and when Levi would be home. (name) gave him the information he needed. She didn't say anything much but Erwin could tell she was also hurt. Erwin needed Levi in the best possible shape for work. Erwin ended the call, closed his laptop and went to get food. He ate breakfast, feed Bean and finally went to Levi in the guest room.

Erwin knocked on the wooden door, the sound bounced off the walls echoing around the room. Levi stirred awake. He walked to the door and opened it slightly. Erwin stood at the door in his suit.

"I've given you a paid vacation of 2 weeks. You should get your things from the house. She's not there I called and she said she has class until 5 pm. I'm off now, I left a spare house key on the counter top for you. I will be taking Bean downstairs at the animal care enter down the street if you are wondering where he'll be." Erwin gave a small smile and walked out the front door leaving with only a click.

"It's Saturday Erwin..." Levi croaked angrily.

"War doesn't stop for the weekend Levi." Erwin tipped his hat before leaving the room.

Levi walked back and laid in bed thinking about her. What did he do wrong? Why did she cheat on him? Was it him? Was he too controlling? Levi let her do what she wanted, he never stopped her from going out with the girls, he never asked her to change plans.

Levi was good to her. He never yelled at her, He never struck her, he was raised to be a gentlemen, kinda. Levi was raised poorly but from his experiences, he learned what not to do. Levi pulled the blankets over his head and buried himself in the blanket. If he could ask his mother what he could do to change, he would.


Memories of (name) was poisoning his mind. He wanted to forget it all. He wanted to forget the time she blushed when he brushed his fingertips across her face for the first time. How soft and smooth it felt. How her eyes squeezed shut as she smiled. The way she held the cup and taught him only for him spilt tea on the table. How they both giggled as the older man groaned about wasted tea. He remembered the face she made, All squished up and tight when she pout. He remembered the words she would say every time he would hold the cup the way she did.

"Levi, You're such a dork"

He thought about the sweet giggled she gave after she said that. Everything about her he loved, The (eye color) orbs that gave him chills after a kiss. Her lips and The shade they were. He wanted her now. He wanted to hear the whines she would give him when he was being unfair.



Her voice echoed in his head. He covered his ears and yelled "Get out of my head!" he whimpered.

Levi brushed the blanket down and and out of his face. He must go back to get his clothes. Levi dressed back in yesterday attire. A musky scent followed him around as he walked away from the house. The smell of wet wood and grass filled the air. It was crisp and clean.

Levi entered the car and started the engine. He drove in silence to the house. Mina and (name) is what hurt him. Levi gripped the steering wheel tightly. He was hurt by their actions. He knew (name) had to pay.

Once he arrived back at the house he sat in the car. He observed the white and pale yellow building. Her car was not in the driveway so she had to be at school.

Levi finally mustered up his courage and exited the car and walked to the house. he opened the door and saw everything as it was from yesterday except the broken picture frames. He crept in and saw the photos he pushed down on the coffee table. The glass was broken but the pictures inside were protected.

Levi walked upstairs. He pushed the door open and saw eveything in order. The only thing missing was the bed sheets from the night before. The white sheets were placed with the christmas time sheets. Levi walked to the closet and grabbed his suitcases.

He filled the cases with clothes from the drawer, from the closet and anything that was his. He packed his hygiene stuff and the books he would need for work. Levi grabbed anything and everything that was his. He took his bags to the car and opened the trunk. 3 bags full of clothes and 2 with junk Levi owned. He walked back into the house looking for anything else he left behind. He walked to the photos on the table and began to shuffled through them. He stumbled on one photo that Hanji had taken.

Levi was smiling on the phone. Levi remember this call very well. The call was about the house. (Name) finished decorating the house and he could finally come home to it. He remembered another thing. It was the first time her heard the 3 venoumous words from (name)

"I Love You"



Levi tosses the photo onto the floor. He felt his heart grow heavy. How could he let this get to him. He was suppose to be strong. Levi felt his sadness turn to anger. He felt his body respond giving him shakiness. He then let it lose.

He punched the wall once. His hand were numb now, Blood dripped from the little cut. The knuckles turning a pale blue. He felt a lot better emotionally, but not physically.

He left the house and everything within it. Levi didn't care about the funiture or the house itself. She has a new partner to deal with that. Levi drove home and watched couples walking the streets hand in hand. He let out a tch and continued on. He couldn't let the thoughts of (name) poison him anymore. He needed to move on. Levi knew he can't, he will come back, he did last time. He'll always come back for what's his.

A/N: fixing grammar and adding details.

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