Chapter 8 * Do I Know you? *

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Hush chapter 8: Do I Know You?:

My head was pounding as I began to feel my body awaken from a sleep I don’t remember having.  Just as the sound of something clicking in an offbeat moment was ringing in my ears; the visions of a thousand chimes were dancing among one another. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, creating a blackened circle behind my lids.  Everything seemed so distorted, the way every sound came and went, it was just off.  Soon enough though, a voice came to blend in with the off balancing sounds.  I couldn’t place the voice to save my life but I tried my best to focus. 

“ ….Ashley?”


That’s my name….

I slowly opened my eyes seeing a gorgeous pair of eyes. -Something to that of ice crystals dancing in the light of the moon.  However there was no such light now, only the boiling clouds of darkness over head.  This being that lay practically on top of me had said something, I had been watching his lips the moment I opened my eyes. However I was too lost to think what he had said. My eyes inadvertently moved to his eyes once more as he spoke louder.

“Are you okay?”

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.  My voice simply wouldn’t budge. Panicked I lay a shaky hand upon my throat.  I forced with everything in me to say something, but it burned, and more than ever it hurt like a bitch. I winced, trying to swallow some saliva. 

After a few more swallows I tried to speak again, and this time to my success I softly spoke.

“I think so.”

It came out more so as a whisper than the voice I could have used as he began to stare deeper into my features as did I towards him.  His bleached white hair was cropped neatly around his face as on the left side was swiped up into a spiking over comb. –To which in my surprise I found quite cute. 

His eyes swept over mine for a moment looking puzzled before getting up and pulling me with him. I winced as he pulled my bad arm and practically stretched the muscles along my sore torso to get me up to his level.   However he didn’t really notice to which surprisingly was grateful about.  He then started to head towards the school again, but I didn’t dare move. No matter how much I willed myself to walk along side that ‘stranger’.  With his hands sunk deep into his pockets he stops and looks back at me.


I shook my head.

There was no way I was going back in there to face Tyler-Especially if he truly does know the truth.  He took a quick glance towards the sky and then back at me. The wind had slightly picked up with more intensity, whipping my hair towards and off of my shoulders.  I bit my lip as I walked a tad closer to him, being sure to keep at least a decant space between us. 

A slight smirk twitched the corners of his lips. “oh.  Are you one of ‘those’ kinds of girls?”

My eye brows pulled down wondering what he was talking about. He must have seen my confusion because he opened his mouth to speak again.

“ You know... Skipping school to go do drugs and party.”

I took in a sharp intake of breath, dropping my jaw in the process all the while staring at him with a glare.

What. The. Hell.

I sure as hell don’t look like the kind of girl that does that shit….do I?

*Well  you do fit the profile*

Shut up, no I don’t! – I interjected my own thoughts.


His smirk widened into a grin as he noticed my intolerable glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2011 ⏰

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