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As I walk past the security guard with Dan, I mean...Jack, we approach a big, red, velvet curtain. Dan pulls it aside revealing a huge room filled with people my age wearing masks and expensive clothing and drinking alcohol and dancing and talking and laughing and having a great time. I haven't been here for even a minute and this is already everything I hoped for. Well done, B. Dan seems almost as shocked as I am, I don't think he attends parties on the Upper East side often, or ever. But he quickly loses his amazed expression when he comes back to reality and remembers the purpose of his being here.

"I have to find Serena, but here's my phone number. Text me if you find her but don't tell her I'm here." He says, taking my phone and putting his number in it. I agree and he speeds off, disappearing into the crowd of people. I only know 5 people here, not that it matters anyway, I don't know them well enough to know them with masks on. I wonder around for a while, meeting new people, having some drinks, turning down all the boys who have asked me to dance. I know what I told Blair and Serena about trying to get lucky, but I'd much prefer to prevent anything sexual from happening tonight. I'd rather not be labelled as a slut after my first day here and I need to behave with Gossip Girl on my back. Mid-thought I feel someone grab my arm and turn me to face them. It's a girl with a beautiful black gown, a mask with a holding stick and her brunette hair done up high with a pretentious and yet elegant tiara to tie everything together. Considering she obviously recognises me, I'm going to assume that this is Blair.

"G, you came!" she says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Of course, I came, B. You look beautiful, Nate will worship you when he finds you!"

"More like if he finds me. It's midnight in 30 minutes and he still hasn't found my first lady. I've been standing here for over an hour watching Serena dance with her boring date waiting for him to get to my last lady and he hasn't even made it to the first!" She says looking down at her boots. Ah, Serena, I should text Dan after this. I just hope Nates lack of participation doesn't have anything to do with his visit to Serena this afternoon...

"Why not send a lady to him to motivate him a little... maybe he just doesn't understand your first clue or can't complete it for some reason?" I say trying to think of different reasons in an attempt to make Blair feel better. Her eyes turn from her boots back to me.

"Maybe you're right... I'll get on that right away. You have a good night, G." She says with a smile before gliding her way off into the pool of people. I pull out my phone and text Dan to let him know where Serena is and as I put my phone back into my clutch, something catches my eye. A guy in a red suit and a devil mask removing his jacket and dropping it on the floor in front of a girl in a yellow dress. I may not know anyone here, but I am almost certain I know who this faux devil is. He strides off slowly into the stairwell and the girl in the yellow dress picks up the Jacket and laughs to herself before entering the same stairwell. Something smells fishy... and it's not the devils last name.

Being the curious person I am, I decide to follow them. Something in the pit of my stomach tells me that Chuck doesn't really know what he's getting himself into, no matter how impressive his experience list is. I open the door to staircase C and close the door behind me, immediately notices the difference in volume. As I make my way up the staircase I spot a red bowtie laying in the corner of a stair in front of me. She must have missed it. I then realise they are playing some sort of strip hide and seek and I sincerely hope it ends up on another level and not on the rooftop. I've got a thing for them, they're a sacred place to me, okay don't judge. I clench the bowtie and make my way downstairs not wanting to intrude on Chuck and his victim for this evening. That is until I hear someone banging on a door followed by someone yelling "you bitch!" followed by laughing and then the tapping on shoes, signifying someone running down the staircase. I hide in the darkness in the small corridor leading to floor 46 and I watch as a girl in a yellow dress runs down the staircase holding a number of male clothing items. The door banging continues up the stairs and I laugh to myself. How desperate must Chuck have been for him to let this happen to himself? I leave him for a few moments, just to be cruel I suppose until I eventually make my way up the stairs to the rooftop. That little shit really was going to do the nasty on my sacred ground. I unlock the door to find Chuck wearing nothing but a singlet and some boxers. He stands there shocked and embarrassed.

"Who are you?" He says.

I smirk to myself before taking off my mask and walking out onto the rooftop to admire the view. I had already been up here. It was the first thing I did when I moved in actually. I didn't bother even seeing my apartment first... Chuck follows behind me until I come to a stop at the edge of the building. I look out to the building for a few seconds before turning back to Chuck.

"It's cold up here tonight, isn't it?" I say with a devious smirk.

"Go ahead laugh, I'm an idiot, I know," he says hugging himself to keep warm. I comply with his request and laugh.

"I just don't understand how you thought that could end well."

"You were watching us from the beginning?"

"Yes, I am a curious person and not everyone takes their jacket off and drops it on the floor before making an escape to the stairwell at parties, you know?" He laughs this time.

"If I'm being honest, I..." he begins and then hesitates, looking to the ground.

"You what?" He clears his throat and steps closer to me, only stopping a few centimetres away from me and looks deep into my eyes.

"I uh, thought it was you. That's why I was so quick to make a fool of myself." He says softly as he gently brushes up and down my arm in an attempt to seduce me. I give him a surprised expression before taking my hand and placing it on his cheek. After a few seconds, I slap him, not too hard, and roll my eyes.

"Ow!" he says as he removes his hand from my arm and touches his cheek.

"Nice try, Bass, but I'm not as easy to manipulate as the other girls are around here," I say with a smirk before walking around him to the door. "You're just lucky I was here or you would've been freezing your ass off out here overnight." He catches up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"You're right, I'm sorry. and thank you." He says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"You're welcome, now would you like to re-enter the party in your underwear or shall I attempt to find you some clothes?" I say before turning back around ensuring Chuck is following beside me.

"And how would you do that?" I give him a smirk.

"That girl in the yellow dress isn't the only one with the power to get a guy to strip for her."

"Hmm, I don't know if I'm comfortable with you seducing anyone that isn't me, beautiful." He says with a smirk as his arm snakes around my waist.

"Smooth, baby, real smooth. But don't give me a reason to slap you again," I say as I shoo his hand away. I hate to admit it, but this boy has some serious game...

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