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History class flew by, I love History and know a lot about American history already, though European is more my forte... As the bell sounds I take my time with packing my laptop, books and pens away into my bag. As I'm zipping up my Marc Jacobs bag I sense a figure approach me and I look up. The rest of the class has left and I find myself returning the warm smile my History teacher is giving me before she begins to speak.

"It's Grace, isn't it?" I nod my head softly and hold my smile.

"Yes, Ms Jeffries" she was a younger lady, in her late 20s perhaps or early 30s at most. She was quite pretty and incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent. Even after one class I could tell I would love her, she seemed quite passionate about what she did and I loved people like that.

"And... Windsor, am I correct?" She says with a slight smirk, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. At first I am confused and then I exhale rather loudly, remembering she is a history teacher. Before I can respond, she cuts in. "15th in line for the thrown if can remember correctly..." She says holding her smirk, tapping her chin playfully.

"14th actually, but who's counting?" We both laugh at my incredibly cheesy joke and she leans against the table in front of me.

"Wow, I really am in the presence of royalty... Should I curtsy or?" She says as she raises her hand ti her head and scratches it. I laugh at her remark and shake my head.

"Please don't!" I say with a small laugh. "I'm attempting to keep this private for the mean time. I know there a people who will know but I'd really appreciate keeping this as quiet as possible, for as long as possible..." She nods and offers me a smile.

"I completely understand, your secrets safe with me." She sits up from the chair in front of me and begins to walk back to the front of the class. I sit up shortly after, pick up my bag and begin to make my way to the door.

"I'm going to really enjoy teaching you, Grace, I can feel it," she says as she shuffles papers about on her desk, I turn from the door to look at her, "and not because of who you are, you're a very bright girl, I can see that already.." I blush a little as I push some hair behind my right ear.

"Thank you, Ms Jeffries," I say and she gives me a warm smile before I turn to exit the classroom. Comments like that reassure me I have made the right decision coming here. Mid-thought and almost immediately after I step foot out of the classroom, my phone rings.


I scoff to myself before answering.

"Chuck Bass"

"Grace Windsor"

"What can I do to please you, Bass"

"I'd love to discuss this further at some point, beautiful, but I'd prefer to savour our first erotic phone experience for a later date ," I roll my eyes.

"Hmm that's too bad then, my mistake," he exhales deeply before answering, causing a smirk to appear on my face, "what is this call regarding then?"

"I just wanted to catch you between classes and tell you my father has agreed to check out Victrola," he says

"That's great news, Chuck. He'll love the club once you show him what it's worth and how much effort you've put in to make it all work."

He scoffs before he replies. Not in an undermining or rude way, but an appreciative kind of way... If that makes and sense what so ever...

"Thank you, I'll speak with you later then"

"Goodbye, Chuck" and I hang up. Just then I spot Jenny Humphrey sped walking down the hallway in an extremely distressed manner.

"Hey?" I say as she passes me. She turns around flustered.

"Oh my god, Grace. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, that was so rude of me," she says so quickly, I can hardly keep up.

"Oh gosh, that's alright, Jenny," she gives me a confused look.

"You know my name?"

How odd...

"Of course... you're friends with Blaire, are you not?"

"Uh... yeah, I mean yeah I guess I am..." she says scratching the back of her neck. I know she's one of Blaire so called 'minions'. But I don't agree with belittling people like that so I won't mention it.

"And how could I forget the girl who locked Chuck Bass on the rooftop of an upper east side ball?" I say with a smirk. Her eyes widen.

"You know about that?" She says worried.

"Well I was the one who rescued his pathetic arse after all," I say with a small laugh.

"You don't hate me do you?"

"What? No, of course not!" I say shocked. She sighs in relief, hopefully warming up to me a little. I want to be Jenny's friend, not her 'queen'. That's my mothers job.

"You haven't seen a diamond bracelet by any chance have you? I wasn't supposed to be attending that ball and I've misplaced it."

Oh no, Jenny.

"I don't think you're going to like this, Jenny, but Blaire has it. She said she found it when you ran away from her thinking you were Serena?"

She groans, holding her forehead.

"It's okay though, J! I've already spoken with her and, and mad as she was, she isn't anymore. She might come off quite intimidating to you when you see her, but that's only because she thinks you're hiding something from her..." I laugh at what Ive said because Jenny surely wouldn't hide anything serious enough from Blaire when she is giving her all to impress her 24 hours of every day.

But when she doesn't laugh as well, I can tell something isn't right...

"But you aren't hiding anything from her, right?" I say questioningly.

"Can I please talk to you in a more private area, Grace? I feel like I can trust you with something that happened to me that night that I haven't told anyone." My eyes widen as she speaks and I nod my head. What could possibly have happened that night that she so completely afraid of telling Blaire?

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