14. the eighty-five

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Cassidy joined the ride, despite all their warnings against such idea

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Cassidy joined the ride, despite all their warnings against such idea. Once more, Aldana played civil and got in the backseat of the SUV behind him. So Fred and Ron could only snort and get in too.

Fred took them south, to Grove Hall. They located the stolen car around the corner from a preparatory school. Fred drove past it and pulled over across the street from a dozen boys hanging out at the next corner.

As soon as the boys spotted the black SUV, they all lined up along the curb. Cassidy's wealthy suit made them took their hands to their waists beneath the dark hoodies. Ron and Aldana traded a concerned glance. Fred strolled across the street with his placid smile.

"Hey, kiddos. It's okay, it's me."

One of the boys, hardly twenty, raised his hand to signal the others to stand down. "Yo. Isn't it Fred the Fed," he said, mocking.

Fred bumped fists with him. "Marley. Nice to see you in one piece, man. Meet my friends, Al, Ron, Cassidy."

The boy sneered at them. "More feds, huh."

"Yep. Listen, Marley, I wanna ask you guys about that car over there."

Ron pointed at the stolen car.

Marley glanced at it and shook his head. "Dunno. Never seen it."

"It was stolen ten days ago," said Ron. "D'you know if it's been there the whole time?"

"Dunno. Never seen it."

"This is your territory, right?" asked Aldana.

Marley nodded with a smug smirk. "You bet, sugar. Fancy the tour?"

"Y'know? That car over there can bring you trouble. Somebody's using it to kill cops."

Now Aldana's words got more attention than her body. Marley frowned. "What?"

Fred shrugged. "We feds are trying to handle it. But you know the boys in blue don't dig cop killers."

"If you run the territory and they find the car here..." said Ron.

Marley turned to his friends. "Yo, bros, whose car is that?"

"Dunno. Never seen it," replied one of the boys, as the others shook their heads and shrug.

"And they're shooting cops?" Marley asked Fred.

"Yep. Two so far. And they're uploading the videos to the internet."

"D'they do anyone we know?"

"Gomez last week. And Reg this morning. It's a miracle she made it."

Marley's attitude vanished and he scowled, as the other boys came closer. "Reg! And Gomez!? Man! He's the only cop with a brain in town!"

"Was," corrected Aldana. "They shot'im on his way home. And they shot Reg this morning downtown."

That fueled the boys. They started murmuring while Marley turned to Fred for confirmation. He nodded with a quick grimace.

"But they're alright!" Marley cried. "Who would wanna shoot'em? There are lots of dickhead cops to pick if you wanna shoot one!"

"That's what we're trying to find out before push comes to shove," Fred replied.

Cassidy stepped up to stand by Ron. "Did Gillian and Gomez have problems with any gang?"

Marley pursed his face as if Cassidy had spoken in tongues. "No way, Suit! We all know'em for years. They're alright." He turned to Fred. "You saying the same sons of bitches did them both?"

"Reg's in the hospital. Doctors say she's gonna make it."

"D'you know of any new gang in this area? Somebody who would wanna dump the cold ones on you to get you in trouble?" asked Aldana.

"This is my street, sugar. No new gangs around and no one messes with me," Marley replied, and turned to Fred. "We keep an eye on that car. I still got your number."

The boy took two quick steps backwards, up to the fence of the house at the corner, and cut a few flowers from a bush. He gave them to Aldana with a wink.

"One for you, sugar. Give the others to my girl Reg. You tell'er she be okay." The boy patted Fred's shoulder. "Call ya."

"Got it."

Fred nodded goodbye at the boys and led the other three back to the SUV.

"We cannot rely on gangbangers," grunted Cassidy. "We gotta watch the car ourselves."

In the backseat, Ron rolled his eyes. Fred honked at the boys as he drove away.

"No use. They know their neighbors, they'd make us out right away. Marley didn't like the news. He'll call."

The End - Blackbird book 7Where stories live. Discover now