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Brock needed a whole minute to extract his mind from his only focus on her hand down his waist and register her warm breath on his face. His eyes fluttered open to find hers. She looked at him the same way she used to listen to him. She absorbed his every move and sound. Water in the desert. It made him feel so valued, so wanted. This astonishing woman could have any man she fancied—younger, funnier, easier to handle, way more attractive men than him. Yet it was him she wanted. It was him she needed. It was overwhelming, because he had no way to show her what it made him feel, being chosen by her. Especially considering what an ass he'd been to her.

He entwined his fingers in her hair and made her lean closer to kiss her. His arm slid under her elbow to circle her waist as she kissed him back. He rolled to stick to her body. His groin complained when her hand fell out of reach, but there were some things he wanted to take care of. Like the sheets. He wanted to see her. All of her. So he swung the covers away with a determined pull, without breaking their kiss. Her arms locked around him to keep him close, and her leg came up to rest on his when his hand rounded her hip and went on.

She moaned softly, his hand bringing her against his hips, and she let her head fall back, eyes closed. Brock's mouth found her neck. His hand kept a firm grip on her butt as he brushed their groins together. He hated every inch of fabric between them. Time to do something about it. His hand loosened its grasp on her butt, only to allow his thumb to slip beneath the waist of her underwear like a hook. He pulled from it and her leg came down from his hip to help him bring her underwear down. She kissed him again, letting him take care of things. And her kiss was so smooth, so sweet, Brock paused, her underwear around her knees, to savor it for a moment.

He had to leave her sweet, warm lips—but not for long. He guided her underwear past her ankles and took off his pajamas bottoms as well. They were left to comfort each other at the end of the bed, as Brock stretched again, to throw his arms around her and rest his head on the pillows, their noses almost touching. Then he realized she still wore her top. Damn! But before he could even try anything to deal with it, she grabbed it, arched her back and pulled it off. It was a fluid move that released her breasts against his chest.

Brock moved his arm beneath her side to hold her tighter and her leg rested again on his thigh. Their eyes locked as Brock's hand travelled down, back to her butt, and his leg slipped between hers. They both gasped when his hard tip brushed the warm gap between her thighs. Brock's hips came up as hers came forward. As if their bodies knew each other by heart, he entered her with another brief move of his hips. Slow, gentle. A part of him wanted to thrust hard, all the way in, and stroke her warm, wet flesh fast and deep. But he didn't want to rush this time. So he held himself back and waited, barely inside of her.

Gillian bit her lip, grabbing his face with both hands, to look into his eyes. The way he held his breath when he moved into her, his thin lips parted as if calling hers—everything about him fed her need. And he waited. He wanted her to meet him halfway. So she kissed him once more and moved down, as her hips came forward to him, her leg around his hip pushing him to her.

A muffled groan escaped Brock's mouth as he sunk in her fully, his hand on her butt keeping her from moving away. His hips rocked softly and hers followed, and the combination made their breaths heavier by the minute. So Brock paced down, and forced his eyes to focus through the haze of desire and see her. But the way she looked at him didn't exactly helped him to cool down. She seemed mesmerized, and for a moment he saw all the feelings mixing in her eyes—love, desire, care, respect.

Her thumb brushed his parted lips before she kissed them, and her hips left him almost out of her body, only to take him in again in no hurry. She tightened her muscles around him as she moved back away from him to move forward again. The increased friction against his length made him growl in pleasure.

The End - Blackbird book 7Where stories live. Discover now