Rookie Blue: The Worst is Yet To Come

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"Andrea, the boss wants to see you" Clarea beckoned her.

Andy was undercover and it was a little over two months since she was Andy McNally and became Andrea King. She was supposed to hang close to Clarea O'Valley. Clarea O'Valley was married to one of the biggest drug dealers before he dissapeared. Apparently, Clarea took over.

"Why does he want to see me" Andy asked her. She had no idea.

"Oh I don't know, he probably wants to make sure your the right person for the job". In two days, Andy, Clarea and some men were going down to the docks to unload illegal weapons. The bust was going to also happen that night.

"Ok then. I'll be back soon" Andy grabbed her coat and headed outside.

Outside, a Black SUV pulled up. She got in, not knowing where she was headed. The car pulled into a pub down the street. Andy had a bad feeling. She shrugged the feeling away and walked into the Pub Inside, there were about 8 men lining the wall, sitting at the far end of the bar was the boss, Eric Homes. He stared right into the whites of her eyes. "Hello Andrea" he coldly said. "Why don't you take off your coat. Andy panicked a little, inside the coat was the microphone, connecting her to HQ. Slowly she took it off. Homes handed her coat off to one of his men. "So, Andy McNally, how long did you think it would take me to realize who you were". Andy's heart stopped. Her cover was blown. .

Andy tried to back out of the Pub. She reached for her phone, to call HQ, but Homes had somehow made his way between her and the door. "Not so fast sweetie, I can't let a rat live. Especially since she's a cop". He took her phone and stepped on it. He pulled Andy by the hair out to the parking lot. Once outside, Andy kicked Homes and started to Run. She remembered that she was given her personal phone as a back up emergency. Only thing was, it didn't have any of the Undercover numbers.

"Hey stop" Bang. Andy shoulder was on fire. Homes shot her. Andy fell down. Homes caught up to her. "Maybe next time you won't run". He picked Andy up. Homes placed he in the trunk of his car and covered her with a blanket, laced in chloroform.

He closed the trunk and drove off.


Andy fumbled in the trunk she had luckily just grazed her shoulder, but she was losing a lot of blood. She shakily tried to reach for her phone, which was in her boot. Once she reached it she called the only number she could remember at the moment.


The phone dialed twice before he picked up.


She couldn't find any words. Her mind was filled with pain.

" someone there".

"Sam *cough cough*" Her voice was weak.

"Andy" his voice softened. "Is that you".

"Yeah Sam it's me. I--uh" She held back the urge to scream.

"Andy, are you alright".

"Sam. I'm so sorry. Tell my father I love him" she wheezed.

"Andy. Andy. Are you hurt".

"I-I-I was shot". Andy absent mindedly said

"Oh god Andy what happened". Sam said panic evaded is voice.

"I-I'm undercover or uh-was. My" Andy gasped. "My-uh boss figured out I was uh uh cop. He-he shot me and shoved me in his trunk".

"Oh my god Andy. Where are you".

"I don't know. I was at the Pub on Main. Oh". Andy's heart flipped.

"Andy what's happening. Andy?"

"He's coming". The line went dead.


Sam had no idea what to do. He looked over at Marlo, who was fast asleep. He wrote a note and grabbed his keys. He was going to find Andy.

He drove over to the pub. He saw a pool of blood on the ground. He was shocked. How much blood did she loose. Sam couldn't find anything that could lead him to Andy. A man kept looking at Sam. Sam approached him. He seemed really drunk. Perfect. Sam thought.

"Have you seen this girl" Sam asked him. He pulled up a picture on his phone. "Oh Andrea King!?" Sam nodded. He guessed that was her Undercover name. "She was here. But I don't know where she went. Who are you".

"Uh, I work with the boss". Sam hoped that the man would believe him.

"Do you know where the boss is" Sam asked, trying not to sound to pushy.

"Oh. Ohh". The man slurred out. He beckoned Sam closer. "I heard that she was a rat. A cop. Boss was gonna make sure she doesn't talk. Ever".

Sam tried not to let panic rise in his voice, "Ok thanks. Do you know where they went".

"Uh. I think they went to the warehouse".

"Ok thanks man. I'll see you around".

Sam got into his car and started to look up warehouses.


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