Help Me

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Andy's shoulder was burning in pain. She was freezing and the chloroformed blanket wasn't helping.

"Wake up buttercup" Homes said. "Drink up". He said as he threw down a bottle of water.

Andy took a sip, spitting it out almost immediately. Her throat was on fire.

"What-hat-wh-what was that" she croaked.

"Alittle taste of your future". He laughed.

He pulled a knife out of his pocket and Andy froze. Andy tried to back up, but Homes was faster. He plunged the knife into her stomach. She doubled over in pain. Homes left the room, Double bolting the door.

Andy was left in utter pain. She tried to use the Blanket to cover her wounds. It was no use she was bleeding out.

She pulled out her phone. She had to call Sam and tell him it was pointless to even try to find her. It rang once and he picked up.


"Andy. What's going on" Sam was panicked and scared.

Her voice sounded hoarse and was filled with pain. "I-I'm not going to make it Sam. I'm dying" she said quietly.

"What did he do" The line was silent.

"Dammit McNally what did he do".

She quietly spoke,"He stabbed me".

Sam thought he was going to explode. She was shot and stabbed.

"Call HQ. they will know what to do. Sam I'm so sorry.." Her voice faded into nothing.

"Andy. ANDY. Are you there".

No response. Sam shut the phone and ran into the Station.

"Frank. We have a major situation"

Frank eyed him, Sam only got this way over McNally.

"What happened". Frank asked as he sat down.

"It's McNally. She called me last night"

Frank was about to scold him, but Sam continued. "It wasn't a personal call Frank". Sam lowered his voice. "Apparently, Her boss figured out she was a cop, shot her and took her to some warehouse. She called me about ten minutes ago. Frank he stabbed her, she doesn't think she is going to live. We have to find her".

Frank was dumbfounded. He stood up. "Tell every one to meet in the Parade room. Now".

Sam saw Traci by the door. "What's going on". But by the look on Sams face she knew. Her face went gravely.

She silently moved to Parade.

As Sam was walking, he saw Marlo.

"Hey Sammie what's wrong".

"Uh. It's McNally. She's been Taken".

"Is that where you went off to this morning for her" Marlo said her with disgust.

Sam was taken back. "Marlo, my best friend, the only person I think I have ever loved, my Andy was taken. Now I may never tell her my true feelings for her". And with that Sam walked away, leaving Marlo behind, gaping.

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