5: My new accomplice

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I've never really had anyone to work with. I don't know how the Avengers survive with each other... Anyway it turns out I'm in Avengers tower, with the Avengers inside, with maximum security. NO computers. No company, for THREE DAYS! RUDE!!! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO TRUST HERE!!! At least I had George at Hydra. Man, why do I keep comparing these guys to Hydra?! Must be because they are shit at hospitality. I thought Stark was a 'gentleman'.

Pft yeah right.

'I WANNA TALK TO THE BLACK WIDOW!!!' I've actually been yelling that for the past half-hour... I think (No clock). No-body has come. At. All. No-body. Not a single living soul. I waked over to the mirror. My brown hair was in a mess, and there was actually no hair brush around here, or a shower in case I destroy the wall and walk through it for some stupid reason... Seriously!

I got comfy on the ground, heard a knock on the door and rolled my eyes.

'Why do you people even bother to knock, I can't even open it'

"So we don't walk in on you"

'Oh yeah cuz I definitely have something to change into genius'

"Now is not the time for games, let me introduce you to:Shadow"

'Ohhh! I got a friend!'


'How long have you been here?'

"About five seconds. They caught me robbing the biggest bank around"

'Well that was stupid'

"Well they caught you too!"

'Only because I was trying to kill CAPTAIN FREAKING AMERICA!!!'


'I like her' I stated looking at Nick.

"Good, because you'll both be in this room, keeping each others sanity in-tact, well whatever is left of it."


'Double ouch.'

He gave me a single death glare and walked out... Get it? Single? No? Damn it, I've spent too long alone.

"What's your name?"



'Cool name'


Her blonde hair was beautiful it had red tips, and went just below her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel, while mine were an un-natural green. She had a nice hour-glass figure, well so did I. She was slightly tan, must have been from California. How I know that? No idea. Wait no. The telepathy. Hehehe. She looks like she could run a 3 km run without breaking a sweat. Wow. But I could do 5! MUAHAHAHA!!!!


'oops, I tend to speak out loud every now and then'

"Old habits die hard eh?"


She came over and sat with me on the floor. 'So what was your life like before robbing banks and amazing shit like that?'

"Like I'm gonna tell you!!!"

I crossed my arms and gave a humph.

"Oh come on! You wouldn't tell me anything if I asked!!!"

'Ugh! fine!'

Tony's P.O.V.

I just caught a girl robbing my money from a massive bank. Ha! We were watching Medusa yelling things out like the occasional "RUDE!!!" or "even Hydra was better than this..." but she always trailed off. Cap flinched every time she compared us to Hydra. But how can we be worse than them?

"I WANNA SEE THE BLACK WIDOW!!!" Wow. Demanding. Nat furrowed her eyebrows every time she yelled that. Maybe she knew Nat... I saw her look at herself in the mirror and pulled a face. She isn't that bad... Okay maybe she is... yup. She sat on the floor, and Nick chose that moment to knock on the door.

"Why do you even bother to knock???" I laughed at that, then walked out. Everyone followed suit for some reason.

'I would like to get to know feisty pants over there.'

"Really Stark?"

'Yes really Cap.'

"Well what we should be asking is why she wants to see me? I mean really, it's weird..."

'Not really, your both a toy of Hydra...'


'Jeez sorry, well I'm gonna go talk to her, and give her food'

"Ha ha very funny stark."

'Shut up capsicle'

I walked to her room with some pizza in my hand... On a plate of course. I didn't bother knocking and just opened the door.


'Ouch, I got pizza!'

"YESSSS!!!" Well criminal #2 is happy. Criminal #1 is confused looking... Waaaiiit...


"nope" I gasped and chucked a pillow at her face. She fell on her arse. Muahaha

She growled and literally tackled me! 'OOOOWWW!!!' She got off me and sat looking out the window. It's almost like she's amazed by the sky or something... OMG!!! 'DID YOU EVEN GO OUTSIDE?!'

"STOP YELLING!!!" #2 is a bit grumpy... I have no idea how she said that with a face full of pizza

"No only on missions..."

'Wow just-' And I got cut off with a pillow in the face. Grrrreat...

'Okay, u stop attacking me #1 and #2 give me my pizza.'

"no!" I just passed the tradition and threw a pillow at her face. I heard #1 laughing from over at the window..

"And how come I'm number #2?!"

'Because that's life buddy'

"We are NOT 'Buddies'!"

'Yeah we are'

"No. Were. NOT!!!" Pillow incoming! I dodged it... Amazing right, but #2 tackled me to the floor. Ohhh... hehehe.

'I'm gonna leave you two violent pillow throwers to your pillow throwing... #1 the sky isn't that great and #2 your gonna get fat with all that pizza, goodbye!' And she threw the pillow too late and it hit the door! I 'forgot' to lock the door and waked away whistling... Nah jk I locked it. They would probs kill us all in our sleep... Maybe not Nat but still.

Hi! Thanks for reading this if you did... It's not actually that long. I'm going to camp for 3 days so I wont be updating anytime soon Please give me advice or something... Vote, comment or something please. Goodbye Wattpadians... Hehehe Thanks again for reading this!


Hydra's Medusa An Avengers fan fiction [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now