Chapter 1: Work-a-holic

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I hit the snooze button for the fifth time, allowing myself for more sleep before I hurry through my morning routine to get to work on time. Last night I took an extra long coffee break with my boss, staying up way past midnight and going home with butterflies in my stomach from spending time with him. He might be my boss, but a girl can dream, right? Besides, I know nothing is going to happen between us, he's too professional to even think about having a romantic relationship inside the office. Also, I'm 28 and I'm pretty sure he has a wife ain't happening.

My cell phone rung, buzzing and vibrating against my night stand and waking me up enough to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked with a yawn.

"Fionna, are you still in bed?" My best friends voice sassed on the other end.

"Maybe" I mumbled as I fought to keep my eyes open.

"Maybe isn't good enough, get out of bed and go to work. The sooner you do, the sooner you get off and we can go out tonight" she reasoned. I groaned in to the phone, the last time she took my for a night out she took me to the house of clowns because she thought I was too up tight. So her solution was to scare the absolute crap out of me.

"Cake, I don't wanna" I whined.

"Calm down, it won't be scary, I'm just taking you to a bar to get a few drinks and let loose. Who knows? You might meet someone special" she coaxed.

"I don't think I have any other option" I pointed out.

"That's the spirit! I'll pick you up after work, now get out of bed!" She nagged. I sighed.

"Fine" I muttered before hanging up and pulling the covers off me.

The clock read 7:45 and work started at 9:00 which gave me plenty of time to get ready. Getting dressed was a snap like always, a blue button up shirt and a long black pencil skirt fit the job just nicely along with a pair of pumps. I threw my hair in to a neat bun like always, not a hair out a place, and I got started on the small amount of makeup I wear. I'm no makeup artist, so I try and make it as minimal as possible to spare everyone from a hooker face. The time was now 8:15, man I take forever to do the simplest things, and I grabbed a bagel before heading out the door to my job. The train took about thirty minutes to get me down town, then it took about 15 minutes to get through in to the building.

"You're early, Fionna" the door man, Jake, informed me with a smile.

"Is there something wrong with being early?" I asked with a smirk spread on my mouth.

"There is when it's normal for you"

"Well, I love my job" I said simply.

"You are one workaholic, girl, you better be getting paid well" His dark skin reflected the morning sun off the hight points in his face as he smiled at me, over the past few years Jake has become like a brother to me.

"You betcha, I'm hoping to get a promotion some time soon"

"Well, I hope you get the job"

"Me too" I walked through the door he opened for me and went up the elevator to my floor, the button lighting up like a firefly once I pushed it to my floor number. It was the little things about the office that made me love it so much, the lights, the decorations when the times were festive, the smell of coffee whenever I first step in. Those things are what make me so happy to work here, it never failed to put a smile on my face.

The elevator stopped and the doors pulled back to reveal the office I loved so much, and I walked in to my cubical, removing my scarf and gloves I used to protected myself from the bitter cold.

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